An Open Letter To Kevin Annett & Jason Bowman



The gig is up for you both, and tomorrow it is time to put-up or shut-up.

I’ve called you on your ‘top-secret’ ex-parte court filing and proven that you have misused the term- Canadian courts never hide a filing from the accused. Perhaps this is true in some fascist dictatorships- but, in Canada, the accused always has the right to see the accusation.

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Why Did Vancouver Cop Watch Post An Occupy Toronto Arrest Of Jayson Fleury Today?


I just saw this posted on Vancouver Cop Watch’s Facebook page. One has to wonder why they would put-up an arrest of Jayson Fleury from last year at Occupy Toronto. This is indeed interesting- here’s the video of the arrest:

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Secret Recorded Conversation With A Kevin Annett Supporter!


Justice is about to be served for Kevin Annett’s victims…

This is interesting. Ryan Elson, a blogger who has been researching into the hijacking of Occupy Victoria, recorded a conversation he had this week with Alex Hunter. Alex is a supporter who has worked closely with Kevin Annett- he has also reacted rather badly to my exposing Annett. His attacks on Facebook have been rather fierce.

The interesting thing here is that, despite how much Alex has attacked me so much this weekend, he too has great doubts about Kevin Annett. It is a great relief to see this con-artist’s support fading so quickly. Annett’s support is falling quicker than a stack of dominoes…

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Con-Artists Kevin Annett & Jason Bowman Contradict Each Other!

Would you buy a story from these guys?

While a number of people have turned-around and stopped believing Kevin Annett and Jason Bowman, there are still some people who haven’t made up their minds yet. So, I’ve been continuing my research to make sure I can convert the stragglers….

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A Quick Note To Kevin Annett

Kevin Annett: Keep him away from your kids

Kevin Annett: Keep him away from your kids

Dear Walking Eagle,

You mentioned in your letter to me that you are living in poverty. Can you please explain to me how someone who lives in a quarter-million dollar home suffers from poverty? Is this not offensive to the people you say you are representing who actually do live in poverty?

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