The Mystery Of The G20 Scary Cop Lady…

One of the most debated issues from the G20 has been the question of how connected the police were to the Black Bloc. And, the most famous, and analysed, film clip from back then has got to be the film of the ‘Scary Cop Lady’. She’s called that because she’s a mystery- nobody knows her name, and she looked rather scary in the video…

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Six Nations Elected Council Denies Supporting Kevin Annett

Fake Reverend, Fake Excavation, Send Money Orders To My Dad In Florida!

I’ve just run across a treasure trove of documents on Kevin Annett- and, expect to receive a large amount of other documents soon. The bell is tolling, and it is the end of his con. For those people who still believe in this guy I leave you a challenge. I’ve provided a couple of dozen pieces of evidence showing that he is lying, and have totally disproved his claim to have filed a court case. If Kevin is real, it is time for him to produce a piece of evidence or two proving what he says is true- don’t you think?

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A Video About Kevin Annett’s Mishandling Of The Evidence At Brantford…

This video from Aboriginal People’s Television Network (APTN) brings up so many questions about Annett’s handling of the ‘mass grave’ at the Brantford. It makes it obvious that Kevin Annett’s handling of the case was anything but professional. No wonder the elders kicked him out and took back his Mohawk name!

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Update On The Kevin Annett / Jason Bowman Deception (feat. Dave Vasey & Nicole Lebrasseur)

Okay, things are getting interesting now. Despite being undeniably caught in a lie, both Annett and Bowman are continuing down their track without any remorse. And it seems some other people are joining them- either out of sheer ignorance, or because they are co-conspirators. This has still yet to be determined…

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Jason Bowman Participates In Smearing Mohawk Elders!

“Unauthorized” Picture of Jason “Shifty-eyes” Bowman

Last week Kevin Annett proved he had no shame by bragging about his sexual prowess with marginalized sex workers. Being a competitive bloke, Jason Bowman must have felt the need to one-up Annett on the pond scum scale- so, on Tuesday, he decided to participate in the smearing of the Mohawk elders who denounced Annett last week.

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