Updated: The Mystery Of The G20 Hairy Legs Gets Thicker…

UPDATE: The press conference has been held, and I have identified one the the ‘hairy leg 7’. Her name is Alicia Ridge, from Hamilton. I don’t have much information yet- but, have discovered she is a member of the website of the anarchist-run Media Co-Op. More to come…


Yesterday I wrote a quick update to my story about G20 convict Kelly Pflug-Back comparing herself to Jesus. I had noticed that there was a similarity between Pflug-Back’s words and a court case that was filed by some women who were arrested during the G20- they claim they were profiled because they had hairy legs.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/01/the-mystery-of-the-g20-hairy-legs-is-solved/

An Update On The Stó:lō Nation Fish Story!

Stó:lō Nation protest in front of the Chilliwack courthouse…


The Stó:lō fish story continues to get more interesting each day- today is no exception. The more I follow this fish tale, the more obvious it is that this is an excellent study in how Canada’s radical Marxist left manipulate stories and people in order to build a ‘movement’. I’ll begin with a recap of what has happened to-date.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/31/an-update-on-the-stolo-fish-story/

Updated: G20 Anarchist Kelly Pflug-Back Compares Herself To Jesus!

Does this mean that Julian Ichim is God?

UPDATE: The Case of The Hairy Legs!

A story just came out a short while ago about some women who are initiating a G20 lawsuit because they were profiled by the police because they had ‘hairy legs’. There was a quote in the article that immediately caught my attention:

According to the lawyer, the provincial police watchdog — the Ontario Independent Police Review Director — found an officer wrote in his arrest notes that “all parties appear to be protesters; back packs; clothing and females all have hairy legs.” 

The wording seems very similar to a line from Pflug-Back’s article:

“He leered at my bare legs and told me I needed a razor. Another tied my wrists with zip ties and proceeded to rifle (sic) through my purse.”

Perhaps this is only a coincidence- but, it is most interesting timing, isn’t it? Back to the original story:


Studying Black Bloc anarchists can sometimes be a rather entertaining pursuit- and, other times, quite painful. Today’s story is more on the entertaining side, though reading their words can often hurt one’s brain. Kelly Pflug-Back, who has been incarcerated for the next eleven months for her violence during the G20, has written her memoirs form her previous stay in prison.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/31/g20-anarchist-kelly-pflug-back-compares-herself-to-jesus/

Should Greenpeace Be Nuked?

This doesn’t look very peaceful to me…

Growing up in Victoria BC during the 80’s, I could hardly go a day without seeing or hearing some mention of Greenpeace- a sticker on a hippie’s VW camper, a poster on a neighbour’s wall, or someone speaking in my classroom. I liked Greenpeace too, they brought awareness of important issues to the world, and seemed to have noble intentions. But as I grew-up, and Greenpeace didn’t, I’ve slowly become disenfranchised with their organisation…

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/31/should-greenpeace-be-nuked/

MediaWatch: The Toronto Star Helps Diefy A G20 Criminal…

Alex Hundert – Ringleader for G20 violence…

There’s something that makes me uncomfortable about the Toronto Star’s relationship with the city’s community of radicals. I noticed this the day I arrived in Toronto when they published a hit piece on an Occupier who they labelled as a Member of the 1%. The article caught my attention because something didn’t quite feel right about it- so I did some research online and was rather shocked with what I found.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/31/mediawatch-the-toronto-star-helps-diefy-a-g20-criminal/

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