One of the things about the Truth movement that confounds me the most is how many of it’s members have taken a liking to PressTV. High-profile ‘truthers’ like Webster Tarpley, Alfred Webre, and wingnuts like Professor Anthony Hall & Joshua Blakeney have all had multiple appearances on PressTV. Considering PressTV is the propaganda wing of the Iranian government, how could people who claim to support truth even consider associating with them?
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Aug 14
MediaWatch: Grouchy Garossino’s Logical Fallacy Folly
I first encountered Sandy Garossino on Twitter when I found her taking a personal attack on someone in defence of the TIDES Foundation:
The funny thing is about this posting that it was Garossino who brought the word ‘terrorist’ into the conversation- the other people involved hadn’t. I thought this was strange, and it was somewhat insulting how she decided to make a judgement call on others when she is the person who used that word.
Regardless, I wrote to Garossino explaining how TIDES funds the Ruckus Society, an organization that was behind the violence at the “Battle of Seattle”, the WTO meeting where Anarchists became violent and started smashing up the city. Then, I wrote an article suggesting that Garossino write an apology. She still hasn’t apologized, and she continues attacking anyone who criticises TIDES- since then, I’ve joked to myself she should be called Grouchy Garossino…
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Aug 13
MediaWatch: Megaphone Misses The Boat On Vancouver DTES Policing…
Someone shared an article from Vancouver’s Megaphone magazine with me today- there’s so much wrong with this story I hardly know where to start. The story is about how Darrell Barnes, a mentally ill man who lived in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES) was shot and killed by the police. They first started shooting him with a non-lethal beanbag gun- but, as he continued charging at them, they escalated to a real gun. Barnes was carrying a machete- so, the police had a genuine reason to feel the need to escalate.
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Aug 12
Urban Exploring: Captain John’s Ship, Part Of Toronto’s Heritage Is At Risk…
One of the things I’ve always loved about Toronto was how things seem more genuine here- I missed that living in Vancouver. Sure, like every city, Vancouver has their institutions- but, in Toronto things seem more real. Toronto has many great historical businesses- places like Honest Ed’s, Peter Pan and Mars Diner have always been close to my heart. So, when I first saw Captain Jack’s, and learned about it’s colourful history, I was sad to hear the possibility it could be taken away- it would be a great shame to see it go.
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