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Events led by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty always make for an exciting story, yesterday’s housing protest was no exception. The fun began at Alan Gardens park where OCAP members bribed about 200 useful idiots to show up with food, free bus tokens and a license to create mayhem on the streets of Toronto. It …
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The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) has made an announcement that they plan to setup camp and occupy Allan Gardens Park tonight as part of a protest against gentrification. OCAP is a union sponsored organization that’s closely related with Sid Ryan at the Ontario Federation of Labour. They’re probably most well known for leading the …
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A bit over 18 months ago I got myself a beautiful new phone. She was sleek, leading edge, and (to my inner techie) a little bundle of joy. Our first day together was amazing- I loaded apps, took pictures, called people I love ( bragged about my new love), and made my first tweets. From …
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unifor says that it’s the ‘union for everyone’, but look closer and you’ll see that their primary focus is on their members- they way they stood up for the ‘Big Three’ telecom carriers says it all…
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Update: Don Stevens, chief of the Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe has gone on the record saying that the protester’s actions were ‘disgusting’, that they didn’t approve it, and they don’t believe the flags were on a grave site- but, if it were, they would be ‘proud’ to have the flags there. Here’s the story. ————————— For the …
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