Greg Renouf

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[Updated] One Small Example Why You Can’t Trust The Media’s Coverage Of The Ukraine (Feat. Toronto Star)

Update: After this article was published, a reader shared a copy of a statement from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They also don’t use the word ‘mutineers’, but instead use ‘extremist’ and ‘militant’… ____________________ If you’ve been watching the media lately (and not totally immersed in the Olympics), you may have noticed there’s been …

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Union/NDP Front Group Slaps Harper With Teleportation Con-Artist! (Feat. Operation Maple)

Have you ever wondered to yourself how deep Canada’s public service unions are willing to sink into depravity in their quest attack Stephen Harper? If so then today is your lucky day- after three years of tracking and reporting on anarcho-syndicalist bedlam, Your Humble Narrator has identified an example so absurdly dark and idiotic it would …

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Rogue Idle No More Co-Founder Nina Wilson Launches A New Initiative

Nina Wilson is one of the more interesting people who came out of the Idle No More movement. Wilson and the other three founders worked with the Suzuki Foundation to help bring the movement to public attention in late 2012. In 2013 the four founders were recognized by Foreign Policy Magazine on their annual Global …

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More Blatant Anti-Semitism From The Occupy/Decolonize Crowd (Feat. Cathy Walker & Nicole Lebrasseur)

If you were following this site last summer then you’re probably familiar with Davin Ouimet (a.k.a. Davyn Calfchild) and his partner Cathy Walker. The couple received national exposure after being featured on Sun News for their participation in the Occupy Toronto Livestream fundraiser- an event that turned out to be one of the most vile …

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[Updated] DFATD Grant Used To Honour (Cop-Hating?) Anarchist Fanatic (Feat. Linda Duncan MP & Chelsea Flook)

Update: This article originally labelled the picture of the person feeding the fire as Chelsea Flook of the Sierra Club. She has written to deny this, apologies for the error. Flook did, however, promote the event. Flook has also mentioned that she has left the Sierra Club as of September 30th, 2013- they really need …

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