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Introduction: When Ukraine’s Orange Revolution flared up in 2004, it was quickly alleged that many local grassroots organizers were supported by US backed civil society organizations. Groups including the US State Department’s USAid and George Soros’ Open Society Institute helped provide money and expertise to local activists for “democracy building” activities to local NGOs. A new …
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The above letter was posted on Facebook today by Mike Roy of The Indignants. You may remember Roy and the Indignants from last August when Ezra Levant exposed them as intellectually challenged “know nothings” during an anti-pipeline rally. Roy was part of the “truther” movement prior to Occupy- but, since then, he and the Indignants …
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Introduction Hollyhock is a New Age retreat on the southern tip of Cortes Island, BC. The resort was built by Greenpeace International co-founder Rex Weyler, a controversial figure who (along with Vancouver Observer editor and Hollyhocker Linda Solomon) has falsely claimed to be a Pulitzer Prize Nominee. No other New Age resort on earth can boast …
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Tragic news came this week when Loretta Saunders’ body was found dumped outside in the woods. Saunders is a Inuk woman who was writing her thesis on missing and murdered indigenous women at St Mary’s University in Halifax. Police have charged Victoria Henneberry and Blake Leggette with her murder- both sublet Saunder’s apartment after she moved in with …
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Introduction: NDP anarchist front group Shit Harper Did (SHD) launched a dirty tricks campaign against the Conservative government recently, going all Stephanie Guthrie on their ass labelling them as ‘creepy’. So far most of the content hasn’t proven the Cons are creepy (the above cookie is one example), but they do provide 7 pages that …
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