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A short while ago Rising Tide Toronto sent out an alert that “a group of individuals from the Six Nations & their allies” have occupied a Line 9 maintenance site in North Dumfries. Pictures that are circulating indicate that at least four indigenous protesters are on-site, and some familiar anarchist “settler allies”. Rising Tides’ alert says …
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Update: Undercoverkity was on the scene at today’s occupation and caught video of ALL EIGHT of the protesters. big crowd! About a year ago I had the opportunity to speak with some law enforcement experts in activist extremism. It was shortly after a group of the usual suspects occupied Enbridge’s Line 9 pumping station in …
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The Ontario Trillium Foundation is a provincial government agency whose purpose is to build “healthy and vibrant communities” by “strengthening the capacity of the voluntary sector”. Causes they support include arts & culture, environment, social services and recreation. Trillium promote themselves on their website as “Ontario’s leading grant-maker”. Trillium grant recipients get more than just …
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On July 13 a new caravan of people will be bussed up to the Unist’ot’en Camp, an activist action camp it’s leaders call a “soft blockade”. Like most similar events, the media hasn’t been doing a good job at covering the camp. Movement-friendly media have been publishing misleading information- like’s post that leaves the …
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