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Almost exactly one year ago this site pondered if VISION Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson had showed signs of reaching his Peter Principle in his responses to militant protests. The anarchists ran wild last year; burning down a house, marching down the street with flaming torches, and criminally harassing a restaurant owner. Throughout this series of events, …
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Today’s article will be short and sweet, asking a simple question- does Vancouver Liberal MP Hedy Fry misunderstand the workings of democracy, or is she just a grandstanding political hack? This of course is a trick question, our political system eventually turns most of our representatives into hacks. And, unfortunately, this leaves many unabashed to twist …
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BREAKING NEWS Disney star STROMBOLI is found guilty of the murder of 24 marionettes Kevin D Annett Assistant to the Prosecutors Office ITCCS Brussels. In the Matter of The People v Stromboli (Case Docket No. 18072014-236) The Judgement of the Magistrates of the Court, including the majority decision with with one dissenting opinion
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Protests against Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline reversal started with a bang when a group of militant anarchists (including a convicted G20 ringleader) occupied a pumping station in Westover, Ontario in 2013. The protests began to fizzle out after the first protest- first there were a series of 1-day occupations (with no arrests), and now the …
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The small town of Caledonia, Ontario has been host to a lot of trouble in the past. If you’re not familiar with the story, the quick version is that a group of union backed radicals terrorized the town in response to a dodgy land dispute over a plot of land that was to be called Douglas …
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