Greg Renouf

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#BurnabyMountain Unmasked II Preview: David Suzuki, Occupy, Idle No More & Harsha Walia

Burnaby Mountain had a special guest last Thursday when David Suzuki’s grandson Tamo Campos showed up on the scene. Things got bad that day; despite the protester’s claims of running a peaceful camp, the crowd got heated and started pushing its way into and yelling insults at a line of RCMP officers. After some careful …

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Interactive Chart: Who Got Arrested/Detained On Burnaby Mountain?

When the RCMP read out the court’s injunction against protesters “resisting” Kinder Morgan’s surveying work on Burnaby Mountain it was like they pulled the trigger on a starting gun; beckoning every professional protester, cop hater, and misguided AnarchoKiddy™ to rush up to Burnaby post-haste! Today’s graph is still a work-in-progress, I’ve managed to compile a …

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Vancouver Observer/Desmog “Journalist” Gets Physical: Intimidates Sun News Reporter (Feat. Erin Flegg)

Note: I’m still working on Kinder Morgan Protest Unmasked Part II, stay tuned in the next 2-3 days, apologies for the delay… In December 2013, this website published an article examining how Vancouver Observer writer Erin Flegg appeared to be walking the fine line between journalist and participant at several anarchist-led protests. Flegg magically had the …

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Breaking: BROKE Burnaby To Join Pro-Violence Anarchist For Kinder Morgan Protest Planning Session!

There was bad news for the protesters who’ve been causing trouble on Burnaby Mountain the past few weeks. After spending the past week in damage control, trying to reassure their followers there was no way Kinder Morgan could win their injunction, KM won in a very big way. Associate Chief Justice Austin Cullen made it clear …

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Desmogging Emma Gilchrist’s GarossinoStyle™ Cheap Tricks Against Vivian Krause (Feat. Vision Vancouver)

On Wednesday the Vancouver Province published a thought provoking opinion column from Vivian Krause. Her article A vote for Vision is a vote for U.S. interests gives an excellent overview of Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson’s backers at TIDES Canada and Renewal Partners. Krause has written scores of newspaper articles, blog postings and letters outlining her research into …

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