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Note: Please click here for Part I Introduction The first time I met David Suzuki was in early 2011. I was with a friend and her daughter, exiting Banyen Books in Vancouver’s Kitsilano neighbourhood (and feeling relieved as we escaped the pan flute music) when I was jolted out of nirvana as my friend grabbed …
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If you’ve been following this website for long, it’s likely you’re aware of the phenomenon of how the environmental movement all too often appropriates the voices of the indigenous people they claim to support. Kevin Annett is the most obvious example. When he made up stories of Catholic/Anglican/United church clergy murdering 50,000 Indian residential school …
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One of the more controversial incidents on Burnaby Mountain happened when two parents claimed that their children made a conscious decision to cross police lines and break the court’s injunction. Some observers felt this was a good step towards teaching the children about the value of civil disobedience, others looked at the incident with disgust …
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Art Sterritt is leader of a foreign funded Canadian NGO called Coastal First Nations. Thug NGO life has been good for Sterritt, his group has brought in millions of dollars from American oligarch’s foundations including the TIDES Foundation, David & Lucile Packard Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Betty Moore Foundation. Sterritt presents himself to the world as an …
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Hello Friends, Can I ask you a question? When’s the last time you took a private walk down a country lane with David Suzuki? I don’t mean when you’re filming b-roll for that big special you’re working on, but just you and David meandering in a private conversation. Have you been one of the lucky few? If …
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