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If there’s one thing we’ve learned from BC’s anti-pipeline protests on Burnaby Mountain it’s that Simon Fraser University has some seriously nutty professors. Nuttiest of all is English professor Stephen Collis, a man who writes poetry glorifying street violence like the Toronto G20. Then there was biology professor Lynne Quarmby (now a Green Party candidate) who claimed …
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Spring is back, the horror of this year’s winter is over, and it was time to get out on the streets and watch the union members thugs in action! So, I met up with Undercoverkity behind the Toronto Convention Centre to watch OPSEU’s finest (and their OCAP friends fiends) attack Liberals as they walk into …
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Permanent link to this article: In March 2014 I wrote the story International Common Law Court” Indicts The Pope While Sitting On The Toilet! The story featured a video of Kevin Annett sitting in someone’s bathroom reading a proclamation against the Pope. It was a low moment in the life of man whose career transitioned from being the only person ever …
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Introduction: On March 20th 2013 several thousand people gathered at Dundas Square in Toronto to participate in a pro marijuana rally. As the clock struck 4:20 hundreds of protesters simultaneously lit joints, bongs and other implements clouding the square with pot smoke to protest what many Canadians view as unfair laws. Right at the same …
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After three and a half years studying anarchist appropriation of indigenous voices, one lesson I’ve learned is that organizations with the word “Solidarity” in their names are often a good place to look. Barriere Lake Solidarity is an excellent example- more anarchists than a G20 bail hearing, close connections with the pro-violence AgitProp extremists at the Media Co-Op, and more …
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