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The results are in on Alberta’s election and it’s official, Hell has finally frozen over and the province has elected an NDP government. As expected, NDP voters are overjoyed, so much that they’ve ignored one of their most beloved issues- the first-past-the-post system has resulted in the NDP winning with less than 50% of the vote. …
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Vancouver’s May Day celebrations have had a history of violence over recent years. Things started to heat up in 2013 when Vancouver Police allowed a group of masked thugs to march through downtown with flaming torches and swarming the entrance to the PIDGIN restaurant- a couple of days later anarchists burned down and East Vancouver …
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On Saturday afternoon a group of protesters gathered in front of Toronto’s police headquarters to protest “in solidarity” with the people rioting in Baltimore. The protest organizer’s media release claimed the event was part of an “international day of action”. If you’ve been following protests for long that phrase probably looks familiar to you, Occupy and …
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The Unist’ot’en Camp is a protest site in northern BC, not too far from the town of Houston. The camp is a collaboration between a couple of First Nations activists and radical violence promoting anarchists from Vancouver and Victoria. Camp spokespeople claim that they’re positioned at the exact junction of several planned pipelines. They’ve warned …
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Today was a big event for Canada’s socialist obedience cults, the 145th anniversary of Vladimir Lenin’s birth! Most intelligent people (and dogs, my Hungarian born Beagle urinated on his tomb when we lived in Moscow) would be repelled by the idea of celebrating the birthday of such an evil man. Luckily for the obedience cults, there’s no …
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