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I’m on my way home after attending the Meet the Candidates at the Kitsilano Neighbourhood House. I submitted a question for all candidates: “Is it acceptable to use Riot Squads to shutdown Occupy Vancouver?” My question was lost in the crowd, so wasn’t discussed. So, I Politely insisted my question be answered at the end. …
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I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line …
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Something enormous is happening inside of me, I can’t wait to share it with you all. But, first, I have to very special girls to take care of. Spent my night building dioramas to remind them both how much they mean to me. Love you all…
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Globe & Mail: “Vancouver fire officials say Occupy site isn’t safe” Vancouver Sun: “We are co-operating,’ Occupy protesters say – and fire chief agrees” CBC: “Occupy Vancouver complies with fire chief’s demands” ___________________________________________________________ Dear MSM, Are you F#$%ING kidding me? Of course, camping is a risky business for the unprepared. We all understand that. This is …
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