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Tonight Toronto had a new variation of the Casseroles marches- the Masquerade Solidarity march- organized by the “Ontario Student’s Mobilization Coalition”. It sounds like something new- right? Well, not quite- it was basically another event organized by the usual suspects…
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It has most certainly been an interesting day today- things happened that were right on-par with yesterday. Who would have thought that was possible! Well, it was, and today’s events are indicative of the lengths people in the poverty industry will go to stop a whistleblower…
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Simcoe County needs a new school board. Outside of one hero, the remainder of the board took the coward’s route last night- not a single one of them would second the motion to ban the use of violent tactics against their Autistic students. Basically, they cowered to the threats of the Ontario Public Services Union …
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I’ve just come back from tonight’s Toronto Casseroles march. The best way to explain it would be in the words of a person who I live with- leftovers. It appears that the people of Toronto are just not in the mood for a socialist revolution!
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Trying to keep up-to-date on the shenanigans of Vancouver Cop Watch (VCW), I checked out their Facebook a couple of hours ago- and, wow, was I ever surprised to see what they had posted! It seems that I found evidence of a crime- an employee of Aldergrove Neighborhood Services made an illegal criminal record check …
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