Greg Renouf

Author's posts

Kevin Annett: A Modern Abuser Of Residential School Survivors…

I’ve been doing some more research on Kevin Annett and have found what is quite likely the most disturbing story anyone will ever hear about him. I’ve written before about how Annett has slandered indigenous elders like Jan Longboat, which is bad enough- but, today’s story is about how Annett slandered one of Canada’s most …

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MediaWatch: Success! PressTV’s Joshua Blakeney Gets Real!

You may remember a couple of weeks ago when I published my MediaWatch story PressTV’s Joshua Blakeney Gets The Casseroles Wrong!, where I exposed how Blakeney was telling a mistruth about the Quebec student strikes not asking for free tuition. Well, it appears that MediaWatch has had a success- Blakeney has now changed his tune!

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How Smart Meters Unfairly Penalize The Poor…

There’s a lot of controversy around the world these days about the implementation of smart meters, and a lot of arguments for and against them. I’ve thought about this issue a lot since I first heard of them- and, overall, I find myself against their implementation. I’ve recently met a group of people in Toronto …

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Debunking Kevin Annett’s Kangaroo Courts…

As I explained in my article about bush turkeys, they are pesky creatures who, once they start building a nest in your back yard, are very hard to get rid of. That analogy couldn’t have been more true about Kevin Annett- despite the fact that the vast majority of people have seen through his deception- …

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Has The Truth Movement Become A Misnomer?

  I’ve not had a lot of interaction with the Truth movement until last year. I’d known of their existence, and had read many of their publications but had never really engaged with the community. I’d always known that Truthers were very passionate people, and that some have some rather unorthodox beliefs. That said, I …

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