Greg Renouf

Author's posts

More Hate Speech From Canada’s Radical Left…

Last month I wrote an article about Jan Longboat, a Six Nations elder courageously put herself between the radicals in her community and the people who live in Caledonia in an effort to negotiate a peace in a challenging situation. In a now famous video, Longboat negotiated with a man named Gary McHale- both parties …

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Will Vancouver’s New Transit Passes Be Spying On You? (And, who has access?)

The first fare gates have been installed in Vancouver and a photo-op was held at the Marine Drive Skytrain station a couple of weeks ago. There’s been a lot of controversy about the system- radicals think it is unfair to force poor people to pay for their rides, and others are concerned about slowing down …

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MediaWatch: Richard Muller & The Wall Street Journal Schil For The Nuclear Power Industry

Okay, I’m sure all of my readers can guess that the Wall Street Journal is a publication that is likely to support corporate interests- that’s probably a given. But, one of their articles I found a couple of days ago has taken their corporate pandering to a whole new level. The writer Richard Muller, a …

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Pipeline Protesters: Barrack Obama’s Useful Idiots?

With all of the attention being paid towards the pipeline these days, it seems to me that the pipeline protesters are missing an important part of the story- perhaps intentionally. The big question is, what happens if the Northern Gateway & Keystone XL pipelines don’t get built? Will they shut-down the oil sands? Hardly, because there …

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Follow-Up To Attorney General Nicholson About Kevin Annett

Dear Mr. Nicholson, I’m writing to follow-up on the letter I sent you last week about Kevin Annett, a man who is spreading hate and inciting people to take attacks on the clergy at the United, Catholic & Anglican churches. Since I last wrote to you I have come across some new, and rather disturbing, …

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