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Here’s an interesting video of a demonstration yesterday by Occupy Montreal. They were gathering in ‘jail solidarity’ for their members who were arrested for throwing smoke bombs into the Metro. This is interesting on a couple of levels…
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You may remember I wrote about dumping Rogers a while ago. Well, they did fix my problem after a lot of pain- that said, their cost is still out of this world. So, I took the jump and finally dumped them for Wind!
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One of the more disturbing moments I’ve had since I arrived in Toronto was a meeting with the ‘good’ people of @Occupy Bay Street. If the Stasi had ever adopted political correctness rules, these people would have most likely taken Erich Honecher’s place in history. Canadian Marxists are no different and/or better than their Soviet …
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Here’s Arnie Gundersen’s most recent video where he discusses the dangers of the fuel pools at Fukushima. Basically, if there is an earthquake as low as a magnitude 5, there is a good chance that the structure of the Fukushima pools could collapse…
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I got some rather unsavoury hate-mail from Irwin Oostinde’s W2 Media Centre today- and I think it says a lot about his organization. Yes, it did address some of the questions I asked in my article about W2. That said, it raised a whole lot more of them. Have a look at what they had …
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