MediaWatch: PressTV Covers Alfred Webre’s “War Crimes Tribunal” (feat. Russia Today)

Alfred Webre – Kangaroo Court “Judge”

If you have ever wondered about the sincerity of Alfred Webre and PressTV, this article should tip you over the edge- both parties over-sensationalize to the point where they must be considered if they are frauds. What I’ve discovered will also help make some sense out of why Webre & Kevin Annett have partnered- they are both enthusiastic supporters of fake, kangaroo, courts…

I learned about this a couple of days ago when I was watching an interview Webre had with the owner of “Astral Connections”, a new-age Internet cafe in British Columbia. At the start of the interview Webre explained that he was a judge on an international war crimes tribunal against George Bush & Dick Cheney. Wow, who would have thought that a man who thinks Obama is from Mars would be accepted to such an esteemed position!

Well, don’t get too excited yet- like Annett declaring himself as a ‘reverend’, Webre’s declaration is not what it seems. The commission Webre is referring to is the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission, a mock court that had absolutely no authority or power. But, that doesn’t stop Webre from declaring himself in-public as a war crimes judge- only, he is being about as sincere as when he explains to people that they can use his ‘Exouniversity’ certificate in time travel to help get themselves a job or a bank loan.

This didn’t stop PressTV from promoting this mock trial- and, somehow, they neglected to mention that the trial was only for show. If you watched their coverage of the event you would think that this was the trial of the century! And, they didn’t even question how such an important matter as a war crimes conviction could be decided upon in only four days! But, of course they didn’t, PressTV used this event as shameless propaganda to further the cause of the Iranian government.

The big question here is why did Webre, and American, think it would be a good idea to team-up with the Iranian government in such a way? Isn’t this incredibly foolish? Hasn’t he heard that a treason charge could result in the death penalty? That said, his trial was such a (bad) joke, that it is unlikely anyone other than PressTV would have taken it seriously.

So, there you have it, more evidence pointing to the fact that Alfred Webre seems to be pulling a long-con on people. And rather unnerving news about his allies in his deception. Anyone out there who is still supporting this guy needs to think long & hard about who they are getting into bed with, and the potential consequences of getting mixed-up in this mess. It could turn out bad for you…

Here’s a quick video I made last night with Alfred’s proclamation, PressTV’s shameless propaganda, and Russia Today debunking the whole thing. Enjoy!

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    • The Hammer on July 30, 2012 at 14:11
    • Reply

    What else can you expect from a fascist news organization like Press TV. This is a “news” network that regularly gives holocaust deniers an open forum.

    1. What would I expect from them? I guess I’d expect just this…

    • Standing Water on July 30, 2012 at 22:10
    • Reply

    What can you expect from people who think there are any legitimate courts? I mean, seriously, I derive no end of amusement from watching the deranged argue that their delusional fantasy life is “real” because people use violence to enforce it, whereas Annett, Webre etc.’s delusional fantasy life is truly delusional because they don’t have an air force, navy, army, civil-army to enforce their judgments.

    I just don’t see where it all leads—the difference between any court you might call legitimate, Greg, and Annett’s court is that the courts you believe in have the capacity to enact overwhelming violence. Might makes right?

    Because that seems to be where you are heading, argumentatively, with the dismissal of Annett’s court combined with clear support for corporate courts enforcing tax codes, “fraud” statutes, etc. etc. Do you not see that you are entirely as delusional as Annett or Webre, you simply suffer from “consensus delusion”?

    For those of us not delusional enough to support _any_ tax-court racket, it’s very sad to see people like you “take sides,” Greg. I am incredulous that you don’t regard Canada, the UK, England, etc. etc. as long-cons. Is the issue that it is inappropriate to try to start a long-con, but if you’re born in “London”, well, that’s such an old con (Corporation) that you just keep the mother rolling?

  1. […] Greg Renouf has demonstrated in his research, Webre and Annett appear joined in un-holy matrimony so -to-speak since Annett was outed for having […]

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