Thank you David Eby! (And, why do so many people not trust you?)

Yes Harsha, he puts me to sleep too!

Our letter writing campaign was a success! Davie Eby, retired ninja hunter, and beloved politician (dressed in civil libertarian clothes) spoke out against the televising of the hockey riot trials! There is speculation this is related to a potential patrimony case between David & Christy Clark– but there is no documentation to prove it. Quatchi says he believes it though…

The story was covered by the SunVinceTai today in an article titled Critics Blast Call For Cameras in Stanley Cup Riot Trials. The comments section is quite interesting, it appears that @MotherTheresaBC is not as beloved as I have been told. Can anyone help me understand why?

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  1. […] and apparently false accusations. His history caught my attention when I noticed he had worked with David Eby and the BC Civil Liberties Association on a rather dubious police […]

  2. […] Thank you David Eby! (And, why do so many people not trust you?) ( […]

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