Vancouver Cop Watch’s Jamie Stuart Richardson Arrested For Forgery!


I’m not sure how it happens, but when I get a hunch about somebody I’m often right. Jamie Stuart Richardson is the co-founder of Vancouver Cop Watch- or, the tail that was barking as i mentioned in my story. Jamie was responsible for some of Cop Watch’s more distasteful messages like this one he posted in reaction the the arrests at the Vancouver Casseroles:


Richardson was previously in the media complaining about being evicted from the Downtown Eastside Residents Association’s (DERA) Marie Gomez Place after it was declared derelict. Curiously, a former board member of DERA – Ruth Meta – was an influential partner in Cop Watch. Ruth appeared on CKNW with Cop Watch co-founder Jennifer Allan. Considering that Richardson is well-paid longshoreman, there is a question as to how he qualified for subsidized housing.

Ruth Meta- being crotchety again…


DERA was shut-down because of a financial/management scandal- there were allegations that they were also housing some people who weren’t eligible for subsidized housing…

Richardson was also on the Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Council (DNC), working alongside radical Marxist protester Ivan Drury. Jenn Allan told me that Richardson was one of the organizers working behind Drury’s camp-out on the front lawn of the West Vancouver home of developer Steven Lippman. The DNC also runs the DTES street market that Cop Watch had spent a lot of time complaining how the police visit looking for stolen and illicit goods.

The DNC’s Ivan Drury

Richardson was arrested yesterday with his partner-in-crime Daniel Blair for multiple counts of forgery and uttering a forged document. They were producing high-quality fake Ministry of Social Services and Housing transit passes that were made-to-order for the people who bought them. They were caught after a six-month investigation by the Transit Police.

Funding for Translink’s (the local transit company) disabled services has been a point of contention recently. Their services for disabled people like Taxisaver and HandiDart have been subject to recent cuts. It is frauds like this that affect the budget of these services. So, basically, this fraud was hurting Vancouver’s disabled population. These people should be deeply ashamed of what they have done.

I’ve been speculating to myself why there people in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside are putting great effort into creating a divide between the police and the local population. Richardson wasn’t the only one doing this- people like Harsha Walia & Lauren Gill have also made similar efforts. When people put so much effort into such endeavours there is often a reason behind that. In Richardson’s case we now know why.

And, finally, I just heard an announcement about this story on CKNW radio. Unfortunately, despite that they have been a part of this story, they neglected to mention Richardson’s connection to Cop Watch. I love you NW- but, you really need to get your act together. It sounds like you need another researcher to help you with your stories.

And, of course, all roads lead to David Eby…

Here’s a copy of the Vancouver Police Department’s official press release on the arrests:

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    • Johnathan on July 8, 2012 at 15:18
    • Reply

    At the end of the day this Richardson guy was ripping people off and profiting from it. I would imagine that the folks caught using a fake pass by Officers would get into some trouble as well. Richardson should do jail time.

    • barbara on July 11, 2012 at 04:45
    • Reply

    if anyone actually knew Richardson personally you’d know money is the one thing he does not have.

    1. He could certainly afford all of the counterfeiting equipment though, right? I have couldn’t…

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