Breaking News: Bert Easterbrook, Hero of the Stanley Cop Riot Arrested at Port Demonstration- says he was innocent!

Bert Easterbrook, hero of the Stanley Cup Riot that started at a Waves Coffee shop, and that Harsha Walia denied was connected to the #BlackBloc has just disclosed he was one of the people arrested at the port demonstration today! Bert is involved with Occupy Vancouver, but the port action was called-off by OV a few hours earlier.

Vancouver’s SunVinceTai published a story about Bert on June 17th that labelled him A hero among the rotten rioting pack! That’s quite the compliment!

Bert is a writer for Cannabis Culture magazine, and Facebook friends with Dana Larsen– a former candidate for the Pot Party and leadership candidate for the NDP who was ousted because of his background in horticulture.

This happened only one week since Mayor Plasticman made the announcement he would support pot legalization!

At the last convention, there was speculation from Alex Tsakumis that Eby could have spent time “in the Larsen hospitality suite with the windows shut and a wet towel under the door…

“Captain Sweep” and Former City Council Candidate Lauren Gill

Is this what Mayor Gregor means when he says he want’s Vancouver to be the world’s “greenest city?” Or, is that as a reference to the green-coloured sleeping mats that Michael Geller has been quoted cost the city $2,800 per month per-mat!

And, how did this story get linked to so many damn politicians…

Occupy Wall Street! (I love this pic!)

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  1. “Bert Easterbrook is the grandson of a Vancouver Policeman, a photographer and care worker for severely disabled people.”

    • Ben on February 20, 2012 at 03:46
    • Reply

    The above picture is of me, Ben Peason, one of Bert’s best friends. That pic was taken on Wall st., on our way to the Occupy The Ports Protest and was a sweet opportunity. Why is it up there?

    1. It was in the collection of pictures that were given to me from the day of the port incident. I thought it was the one of the best pictures I’ve seen from Occupy Vancouver- many people have told me the same. I’ve met the guy in the picture, and am having trouble putting the face to the name. But, if you’d like it taken down are, and you can prove to me that you are this person, I’ll gladly take it down.

      Do you remember who I am? We’ve had some nice conversations in the past. ;-)

  2. Many of these types have NDP connections! It`s pretty sad to think the this socialist party may run Canada after the election in October!!

  1. […] you want more news on people related to the riot, check out this story on Bert Easterbrook- Hero of the Stanley Cup Riot! Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintLike this:LikeBe the […]

  2. […] clubs and a full volume of Marx’s writing in his living room (and was arrested alongside Bert Easterbrook at the Port blocade). Or, those who interact amongst the Black Block without full disclosure like […]

  3. […] Co-Op page where they linked to me last night. I woke up today to find it was re-posted/shared by Bert Easterbrook. And, his comment nearly popped my eyes out- it seems we think alike! I think I’m beginning […]

  4. […] Strike, and a new contract signed by the ILWU (Longshoreman’s union, reminiscent of the actions of the port blockades.) Occupy Vancouver at the Port […]

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