Professor Don Cherry- The Truther Academic Who Got Suckered By A Con Artist!

Anthony James Hall – A.K.A. Professor Don Cherry

I’ve written about Professor Anthony James Hall before in my article titled The Truther With An Aversion To The Truth. If you ever felt bad for people who had to go to Lethbridge University, reading about this guy will make you feel even worse for them! If this guy is indicative of the quality of professors at this school- god help their students!

Professor Cherry took another shot at me today on Facebook- it seems I was right about my assumption he has an aversion to truth- this guy is one messed-up truther. So, I decided to dig-in and do a bit more research on this guy and found an interesting new fact about him.


Yep, you got it- Professor Cherry is another fool who got sucked into believing notable con artist Kevin Annett! What a maroon! Considering he’s both an academic and a truther, wouldn’t you expect he would look into the facts before he gives his support to someone? Or, is that just too much to ask of a flamboyant professor from the University of Lethbridge?

Coincidentally, it seems that Patrick Ross (whose video I posted on my blog yesterday) has also had a run-in with Professor Cherry. Here’s a link in his article on The Nexus Of Assholery

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  1. lol, you guys are at it again? I have read your stuff on Kevin. I am still not married to an opinion, if he is a con artist or well meaning phuck up. The story he is trying to out is legitimate, he really should work harder at being honest about it. I know he has come out and admitted they were animal bones, but I remember he still used manipulative tactics to make it sound like they might have human bones when they do not.

    It does piss me off if people are taking on this issue, which is hard for the public to fathom, and are not being completely straight about it. Credibility is paramount. I don’t care if Kevin gets donations sent to his dad’s. I do care if he exploits f.n’s people or lies about evidence.

  2. Well, it has been over six months and he has yet to do a $450 DNA test on the ‘bones of small children’ he has been carrying around in his pockets. Why is that?

  3. You pretty much mirror my views. The residential school chapter of Canada-First Nations relations was indeed genocidal. The genocidal relationship continued after Canada sanctioned the Genocide Convention at the UN after 1948. Kevin has done a public service in bringing some of this to light but he in my view goes too far in some cases. And sometimes it seems he is more intent on promoting himself than the very serious and important issues that put him in the spotlight.

  4. I don’t understand what his agenda is if he has one. Getting attention by outing crimes of the hells angels, well, there are safer ways to get attention. I am hoping tales of his bad behaviour at a radio station are not true, but such smoke causes me to watch for fire. There are still horrors going on with sex slavery, abductions, cult abuse by twisted elites.

    These are stories that require champions, but what is not needed is people who bring discredit to already tough to stomach stories. The truth is so nasty the public will likely take any excuse to turn their backs and cover their eyes.

  5. Did you know Jack Cram when he was making himself envoy of these dark stories? Then Arthur Topham stepped up to the plate.

    • Standing Water on July 2, 2012 at 18:06
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    The residential schooling continues. Children whose parents will not deliver industrial curriculum will have their children confiscated. That this might be avoidable by the higher strata of society is no bar to it being stated that such is the general policy of Canada, an industrial worker society. Why do they call it “home room”, anyway? Rather than generalizing about the past horror and seeing how it continues in softcore form, and solving that general problem, people are caught up in redress for people who are -already dead-. Isn’t the next generation of children more important than some dead bodies? Wasting time tilling the soil for corpses won’t stop the Industrial Society that is Canada from conducting the same industrialization process on children.

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