#BLMTO Unmasked Pt I: Yusra Khogali Is Worse Than Jerry Agar Could Have Imagined (Feat Sandy Hudson)

Yusra Khogali: Social justice warrior, or black supremacist?

Yusra Khogali: Social justice warrior, or black supremacist?

On March 20th a group of professional protesters and student union leaders gathered followers in front of City Hall to protest an SIU ruling about the shooting of Andrew Loku. The SIU decided that the Toronto cop who pulled the trigger and shot Loku was justified in their decision. Loku was no more than three meters away from the cop charging at them with a hammer yelling “What you gonna do, come on, shoot me”.

Despite the complete absence of any wrongdoing, Black Lives Matter Toronto protesters demanded that the cop who shot Loku faces criminal charges for “murdering” him. Their speeches have accused the Toronto Police service of “conducting a genocide” against black people. Standing behind the curtains we see the exact same organizers who orchestrated the violence during the 2010 G20.

The protesters lit an illegal and dangerous open fire in the courtyard of police headquarters- an office tower in a densely populated downtown neighborhood. When cops and firefighters responded to their baiting, the protesters “resisted” in a violent scrum- children were used as human shields. At least one protester was caught on film assaulting a cop. Despite all of these facts, Toronto’s media has boldly put most of their focus on an offensive tweet by a professional protester named Yusra Khogali.

Khogali is a student at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) who is currently working towards her M.A in Social Justice Education (with collaboration in Womyn & Gender Studies). She’s one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter Toronto, and the former VP Equity for the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union. Khogali’s LinkedIn page labels her as a Spoken Word Artist who has “Lead and facilitated workshops as well as present [sic] key note [sic] addresses for numerous elementary and high schools in the GTA.”

Her tweet was uncovered by Toronto Sun columnist and Newstalk 1010 host Jerry Agar, some have labeled it as racist and violent:

“Plz Allah give me strength not to cuss/kill these men and white folks.”

Khogali’s supporters claim that her tweet “wasn’t serious” and it came “out of frustration” from living in the “white supremacist” country we call Canada. In a Toronto Star opinion piece published on Sunday, Khogali explained herself saying “I put my rage and trauma into words, not action, not threat.”

She also claimed that she’s received “death threats” from “white supremacists.” She’s provided no evidence of these death threats, it’s common for activists to make similar undocumented claims when they’re called out for their bad behavior- Buzzfeed writer Scaachi Koul did this after the buzz about her sexist and racist tweets in February, and #BLMTO supporter Stephanie Guthrie did the same in March, 2015.

#BLMTO members and supporters have a habit of labeling anyone who questions their behavior as a white supremacist. Jerry Agar was accused of this for calling out Khogali, he was also labeled “homophobic”, “anti-Muslim”, and “misogynist.” I was accused of being a white supremacist when I released a video of a #BLMTO tent city protester assaulting a police officer- my black girlfriend had a good chuckle about it.

But the reality is that it’s not really all that funny. False and unfounded accusations of white supremacy weaken the meaning of the phrase and make it easier for the real supremacists – of all races, genders, sexual preferences, ideologies, or creeds – to get away with their ugliness.

Does Khogali Actually Support The Use Of Violence?

Khogali's tweet wasn't an isolated incident

Khogali’s tweet wasn’t an isolated incident

It was later discovered that Khogali’s tweet wasn’t an isolated incident. In a March 30 posting on her Facebook page she made a similarly questionable posting:

“What wypipo don’t understand is that this is not like our elder’s movement. We will snatch your edges and clap you back into ashes. We will also beat that ass Becky. Run up.”

The word “wypipo” is slang for “white people,” the word “Becky” is a racist slang word for white women. Khogali’s posting threatens to “beat that ass” of white women, the phrase “snatch your edges and clap you back into ashes” appears to be a kind of a death threat (if so, there’s more public evidence of Khogali making death threats than evidence of death threats against her).

Khogali’s fellow #BLMTO co-founder Sandy Hudson is another colorful character. She was formerly the Executive Director of the University of Toronto Students Union until she was voted out last year. Hudson is currently being sued by the UTSU after allegedly bilking the organization for $247,726.40 shortly before she left office.

Both Hudson and Khogali were members of the Black Liberation Collective, a militant student organization with chapters at universities across the US and Canada. The BLC’s statement of principles has a deeply concerning statement on violence:

“We understand that continuing to remain peaceful and encouraging others to remain peaceful at the hands of white supremacist oppressive violence is illogical and immoral. We support those who believe that nonviolence is a tactic, but we are aware that this is not the only way to dismantle the system that has humiliated, physically and literally enslaved, unjustly murdered, and continues to devalue black people in America. We will strive for liberation by any means necessary, including but not limited to: armed self-defense.”

Is Khogali A Supremacist?



On October 17, 2015 Khogali made a shockingly racist post on her Facebook page that indicates she’s an anti-white supremacist. “White skin is sub-huxman,” she wrote, “white ppl are a genetic defect of blackness.” Continuing with her Josef Mengele like posting, Khogali stated that “black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to…because we are superhumxns”.

One of her Facebook friends called Khogali out on her batshit crazy statement. “This stuff is just messy, and wrong on so many levels,” they said. Khogali’s statements make University of Western Ontario professor J. Philippe Rushton sound like a moderate, and might make members of the KKK blush.

It’s bad enough that a person who supports “armed insurrection,” makes violent threats, and posts online racist hate speech claims to represent the black community at-large; most black people, like most Canadians, don’t think and behave like Khogali. But the most disturbing part of her story is that she’s been allowed on the campus of our province’s elementary and high schools.

Stay Tuned For Part II

Part II of #BLMTO unmasked is where things will start to get really interesting. We’ll dig into #BLMTO & Khogali’s connection to a City of Toronto funded NGO that works closely with the Toronto Police Services Board, a city councillor on the board, her assistant who was convicted for encouraging Toronto’s youth to smash windows during the G20, former board chair Alok Mukherjee, and two professional protesters who are currently facing charges for endangering life after sabotaging an oil pipeline.

Click here to continue to Part II…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2016/04/10/blmto-unmasked-pt-i-yusra-khogali-is-worse-than-jerry-agar-exposed-her-to-be/


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  1. Is this girl REALLY a student? When I was in University, we would have laughed at her childish evaluation of “White VS Black”. This the type of crap you would hear 50 years ago in Washington Square in NYC where armatures would get up and try their speaking skills…most of them freshmen in a NYC two year free college, and Black Panthers and Black Muslims .

      • Jack Roe on April 25, 2016 at 21:32
      • Reply

      Western Humanities programs are a wasteland because of political garbage like this. It’s impossible for smart people to make it through the censors, and smart people want to do something productive, like engineering or computer science, anyway. Unfortunately, it’s philosophy and politics that enable things like engineering to flourish, so we ignore them at our peril.

      There is basically no diversity of opinion, and while her racist screed against white people would be totally acceptable at the graduate level, anyone suggesting even a less strong version of her thesis with black people as the subjects would be keel-hauled.

      The revenge of the 60s—everyone with half a brain dropped out, and now this is what we’re left with!

  2. “Nairobi-born Black hates Canada, won’t quit complaining”


    • Steve on April 15, 2016 at 11:20
    • Reply

    Thank you, again, for an informative expose!!
    Stupid and dangerous comes from blindly believing claims that support ones needed beliefs, instead of using rational, critical-thinking to examine the credibility of claims.

    • Steve on April 15, 2016 at 11:22
    • Reply

    Pls forward your findings to the Mayor’s office and the police services board, if you haven’t already.
    Thanks again!

    • Sagramore on April 19, 2016 at 22:29
    • Reply

    Like Steph, she would be much more attractive without the clown lipstick.

    • Fritz on April 25, 2016 at 03:24
    • Reply

    What I find surprising is that a proud black activist type would carry such an Arab/Islamic sounding name “Yusra Khongali Ali”, considering that about the only place that slavery still exists or is condoned is in the Islamic world, in Sudan for example. Not only that but in the Islamic world Arabs are at the top of the pecking order, and blacks are at the bottom.

  3. “Despite the complete absence of any wrongdoing, Black Lives Matter Toronto protesters demanded that the cop who shot Loku faces criminal charges for “murdering” him.”

    You are wrong, I know many people in that building, they all say the cops are lying, the cops have taken the video from the building and will not release it. The cop said Loku was bashing in walls left right and center and being violent and loud, no one else in the building heard this, not the neighbours next door, above, or below, they only heard the gun shots. The police should face criminal charges so the evidence can be fully brought out and so that they can be held accountable for the unjust murder.

    1. The SIU document released yesterday says that they had access to the video, the cops didn’t refuse to release it. There’s also no mention of Loku bashing in walls:


  1. […] Stupid, racist, hateful morons you already know… […]

  2. […] Another superior source that I want my readers to read with respects to this story is right here . […]

  3. […] Yusra Khogali, it is indicative of the times we live in when a leader of BLMTO is able to say some rather rotten and bizzare things yet have it discredit neither her nor the organization. Had, say, a white male said such things, […]

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