[Updated] #BurnabyMountain Protesters Get Their Stupid On- Attack The Wrong People! (Feat. Tamo Campos)

Audrey Siegl banding her drum...

Audrey Siegl banging her drum…

UPDATE: More details have come available and have been added to the story.

A video came out yesterday showing how a group of protesters burst into North Vancouver’s Fishworks restaurant, interrupting a group of Kinder Morgan employees as they ate a meal together. It was a classy affair with former COPE Vancouver Audrey Siegl candidate walking in with her drum, fresh from her previous day’s activities publicly endorsing Jenny Kwan’s intention to run for Libby Davies’ MP seat in the Vancouver-East riding.

The evening’s star studded festivities also included David Suzuki’s grandson Tamo Campos- a troubled young man who works with some of the province’s most militant and violence prone activists. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the protest, same old yelling and banging we’ve got used to over the years, and a rip-off of Occupy Wall Street’s recent interruptions of people’s brunches.

There is, however, one thing that turned out to be a real laugh riot!

Wait, that doesn't look like oil!

Wait, that doesn’t look like oil!

You see, the people whose dinner Campos, Siegl and the others interrupted worked at Kinder Morgan’s North Shore Terminal (something Campos later updated on the video’s webpage). And guess what? The terminal has nothing to do with the oil business- the primary product they move is sulphur, if you’ve spent much time in the Vancouver Area you’ll have seen the company’s large yellow mountains of the stuff right across from Stanley Park.

The original version of the video included a voice over and music so that listeners wouldn’t hear what the sulphur terminal employees were saying to the protesters. The “raw” version of this video (at the bottom of this article) was posted by Toronto based activist Nicky Young, a contributor to VICE Magazine, a close companion of Toronto’s most visibly racist radical Davin Ouimet (a.k.a. Davyn Calfchild). Davin and his wife (also from Toronto) were staying in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside last night.

Was there some kind of a big meeting in BC this week? Is it connected to #ShutDownCanada?

Harsha Walia's video praising violent criminals posted by #ShutDownCanada leaders

Harsha Walia’s video praising violent criminals posted by #ShutDownCanada leaders

On another note, it appears that the RCMP weren’t entirely out of the loop about Campos’ behaviour up on Burnaby Mountain. Campos’ arrest was first documented by Harsha Walia (who stage managed Suzui’s wife & daughter’s arrest too). He was part of a crowd of (some masked) hooligans pushing hard into police lines- the whole thing looked like a setup, looks like the RCMP have their suspicions.



Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/01/26/burnabymountain-protesters-get-their-stupid-on-attack-the-wrong-people-feat-tamo-campos/


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    • Ryan Elson on January 26, 2015 at 23:26
    • Reply

    his heart goes out to people who are harassed daily because of their politics? I’m sure there’s a hidden string attached that precludes certain political groups from that statement. What heart? Sounds like the typical social justice narrative of everyone in their collective being innocent with a victim complex regardless how guilty they really are. I would hope the RCMP come back some day and give him a pair of metal cufflinks.

  1. […] was a busy day for Ms. Siegl! Protesting farmed salmon in the afternoon, then crashing the wrong dinner party to protest pipelines in the […]

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