Occupy Toronto Has A Black Bloc Problem…

Black Bloc Marching At Occupy Toronto's Police Violence March Last Friday

When I arrived at Occupy Toronto I was told that “there are no Black Bloc at OT.” Being someone who gives the benefit of doubt, I accepted this- that said, it didn’t take long before I saw this was not true…

Black Bloc Idiot Doing A Nazi Salute

A couple of months ago, during a retreat weekend at the Six Nations reserve, Dave Vasey & Taylor Chelsea taught the group about Black Blac tactics. These people are lying when they say there isn’t any Black Bloc at Occupy folks- in fact, they are training people about them. On the evening of March 31st, Dave Vasey was chanting “Fuck the Police” with the other Black Bloc- this man is dangerous to the public good…

Black Bloc Idiots From The Occupation of 52 Division Police Station on March 31st.

The document they were handing out yesterday, besides being full of lies, does make one important point- they don’t want me to be talking about the Black Bloc. This is probably the most important point of all- you see, they are planning something highly anti-social for May 1st.

So, do you still think that the ‘leaders’ of Occupy Toronto want a movement for the 99%? Have a look at the video below- I believe it says it all…


Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/10/occupy-toronto-has-a-black-bloc-problem/


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    • violent agression=small cahonas on April 11, 2012 at 01:46
    • Reply

    Quick call pest control!

    • Bob Fucking Dole on April 11, 2012 at 13:54
    • Reply

    Wonder how many of these black bloc are plain clothes officers. Wouldn’t be the first time they dress up like black bloc and start violence.

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