This Is What Fucking Assholes Look Like!

The people involved in this don’t deserve to be called occupiers!

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    • Katherine on March 25, 2012 at 22:07
    • Reply

    The police are part of the 99%. We may have our issues, mistrust, and fear of corruption when dealing with them- but there is no point in egging an officer on for pure dumb laughs. That is not what Occupy is…

  1. Although I don’t like the caption of this blog – I agree with you that these kids are taking away credibility from the movement. You are right – they are not occupiers and they are not like any occupiers I have met.

    1. Indeed! Even the Black Bloc idiots who messed around with Occupy Vancouver weren’t this transparently bad. Shame the crowd joined-in with the idiot who started this…

    • Jeff M on March 28, 2012 at 00:10
    • Reply

    would it be fair to say that calling an officer ‘officer bubbles’ is also an asshole thing to do?

    1. I would think it is the asshole thing to do- if I didn’t already think that Officer Bubbles is a complete asshole. There are good cops and there are bad cops- bubbles doesn’t seem to have many Mother Theresa qualities. Except, perhaps, from a Christopher Hitchens’ perspective.

      Watch the first article in today’s article about re-occupying Osgoode Hall. Bubbles is the cop who starts escalating the situation by making it obvious he was putting his gloves on and getting ready for action. Not only was this unnecessary at that point- but, it was insulting & rude. This is obviously a man in need of some Carnagie training…

      And, though I admit that the incident at the G20 was clearly a case of cop-baiting, this doesn’t mean that Bubbles had to take the bait. In fact, had he not taken the bait, everyone involved would have been a lot better off. So, yes, I did consider that it may be inappropriate to call him Bubbles- but, until someone can prove me wrong on this one, or until he starts getting his act together, I’ll not feel so bad about it.

    • Bill D on March 30, 2012 at 03:15
    • Reply

    I watched it then left to pour a cup of coffee and think about it. My thoughts:
    – the behavior of the mob makes the police look very good;
    – tea partiers and the like who behave well when protesting look better;
    – the mob even makes the state or city administration look good; and
    – it reinforces in the minds of ordinary folk what the real face of the Left looks like, and why more police and bigger police budgets are necessary.

    Waxing philosophic for bit, one really wonders what the assholes are protesting. Obviously they are protesting in a very free country. There are other places where the occupiers would have to be awesomely courageous to bait the police as they do in the video, because the police in those states would have happily opened fire on them.

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