Why The Occupy Movement Should Be Concerned About George Soros…

It never ceases to amaze me how often I hear people inside of the Occupy movement defending George Soros- truly, it blows my mind. This happened to me twice this week- first, on Wednesday, when @OccupyBayStreet told me “it won’t make you popular to be criticise people for being funded by Soros”, and another time today when Mathew Kagis (seal clubber) wrote that I was ‘paranoid’ for discussing Soros.  Say What?

Considering all of the (unexpected) kick-back over my writing about Soros, I’ve decided to clarify my position by explaining why I believe the Occupy Movement should be concerned about him:

1.) Soros György is the poster boy for the 1%
Soros is one of the richest men on the planet. Personally, I believe that Occupy should call ourselves the movement of the 100%. But, until we officially make this change Soros is, by definition, a target of the Occupy movement. (as he should be) 

2.) Soros György is a banker!
One of the core foundations of the Occupy movement is that we are here to fix the corrosiveness of our banking system- is it not? Considering this Soros is, by definition, a target.

3.) Soros György is a Speculator!
Soros participates in one of the most corrosive parts of the banking industry– he is a currency speculator. This means that he makes money as a banker not by making investments, but by gambling on the value of a country’s currency. This has had seriously detrimental effects on the economies of many countries- I’ll get into this in a moment…

4.) Soros György Is a Short-Seller!
Short selling is THE most corrosive part of the banking industry. What it means is that, rather than betting on the success of something, Soros bets on its failure! In the case of currency trading, this means that, for example, if Soros short-sells the Canadian dollar, he is betting that its value will decrease. This is highly problematic, something I will explain in a moment…

Soros with his ex-girlfriend- a Brazilian soap opera starlet

5.) Soros May Be An Abusive Sexist!
There is infinitely more evidence that Soros is a sexist than there is about anyone I’ve heard about at the Occupy Movement! His 31-year-old girlfriend recently filed a lawsuit against the 81-year-old Billionaire claiming that he has emotionally tortured, harassed & abused her. This happened shortly after he dumped her for his nurse! Sounds rather piggish to me…

6.) Soros Has Not Declared His Intentions With the TIDES Foundation
One of the reasons people in the left spend so much time standing-up for Soros is because he donates 1000’s of dollars to lefty charities & foundations. The problem is that he hasn’t announced his intentions with this money- and, there are many reasons to believe they may not be pure. We’ll get to that in a moment…

7.) Soros Owns Many Gold Mines! (Including lots of Barrick Gold)
The left have a lot of problems with Barrick Gold. Occupy Toronto have even run demonstrations about this company! Well, Soros is a major shareholder! This links into what I was saying in reason #6, about Soros’ undeclared intentions. Could it be possible he is manipulating the left with his investments?

8.) Soros Is a Major Investor in the Oil Industry!
This guy has his fingers in lots of pies- many of them are the antithesis of what Occupy stands for.  Did you know that he profited from the veto on the Keystone XL pipeline? So, another reference to reason #6 here- we cannot trust a billionaire with undeclared intentions…

9.) Soros Has Created & Profited On the Collapse of many Economies!
Long before I heard about Soros investments in Lefty causes I knew about the damage he caused through his short-selling of currencies. Countries like Thailand, Malaysia, & the United Kingdom have all been victim of his high-profile manipulation of their currencies- crashing their economies.

10.) Soros Is A Convicted Felon!
In 2002, Soros was convicted in France for the charge of insider trading. How can someone who was convicted of such a breach of trust?

I could write many more reasons why we should be concerned about Soros- his interests in the Salmon industry (and support against fish farms), the allegations that he is a Nazi collaborator (may not be true), or a number of other conflict-of-interest issues. But, it is sunny outside, and I want to go out and see some of my fellow occupiers. So, for now, I’ll leave it at this.

For those of you who wish to disagree with me, please say something more than “you’re being paranoid” or “you’re a conservative lackey”- because, both are far from the truth. Rather, come back at me with an intelligent argument where I am wrong on these issues, and provide some details. No more ad-hominem ad-nauseum please…

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/03/25/why-the-occupy-movement-should-be-concerned-about-george-soros/


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  1. Go ahead and criticize George Soros. Most of Occupy know that Soros’ money funds the Tides foundation which is a contributor to Adbusters – which initiated the call out to occupy wall street. Many people suspect that he wanted to steer a popular progressive movement to advocate for the Robin Hood Tax – with the ulterior motive of creating a global bank to implement the Robin Hood Tax (The argument would be made that a global bank is the only way the Robin Hood Tax could be administered) People may be naive, but only for so long. I won’t advocate for a Robin Hood Tax – until I know and am comfortable with how it is to be administered. Having said all of that I have no objection of using Soro’s $$$ for progressive causes. Dirty money can be made clean by using for well thought out progressive causes. We just need to be aware and informed. We are no longer the Sheeple.

    1. I agree with you 110% on Robin Hood. People I’ve talked with in many Occupations have agreed that the Robin Hood March should have been labelled as “The march nobody knew what they were marching for!” lol

      1. Wow, That Sorous is a read studmuffin…

  2. And Mathew.K. (not a seal clubber – but a medic) probably thinks you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist, because you seem obsessed with certain topics – (alluding to people within the occupy movement taking orders from Soros) and don’t seem to offer solutions or suggestions for desired outcomes. So what is it you want Occupy to do about Soros?

    1. He is seeing things out of context, because he isn’t here in Toronto. Here there are a number of people who work for Soros funded organisations- and, coincidentally, some of them claim to be our leadership (despite our being a leaderless organisation.)

      My suggestion? That people who are trained & funded by Soros led organisations step back from assuming leadership. I’ve offered this solution before on another article…

  3. Rachel la I have a suggestion. Put your glass of koolaid down, stop drinking it, occupy has no solutions either! And we do have a big solution, all you leftist koolaid drinkers fighting for the wrong reasons will not be allowed to dictate any change taking place in my life –> my life is my responsibility/problem, so mind your own business and worry about yourself and how things impact you. My guess is this is one of them morons who are gunna be out marching for phony 2012. LOL

    • Seriously? on March 31, 2012 at 12:52
    • Reply

    Even the right agrees with you as to Soros’s tactics. Where we differ is that you see it as “cleaning the money” (drug dealers call that laundering). We see it as you guys being Soros’s agents to create enough instability in the confidence of the markets that he can make a profit without any real risk of you being successful. George wants capitalism to thrive. He is one after all. He just wants some potholes that, for a split second, will allow him to get richer. You guys are his potholes.

  1. […] Why The Occupy Movement Should Be Concerned About George Soros… (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  2. […] Why The Occupy Movement Should Be Concerned About George Soros… (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintTumblrRedditPinterestLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in BCCLA, Canada, Conspiracy, Don Davies, Greenest Ciiy, Harsha Walia, John Richardson, Kingsway Mafia, National Post, NDP, Pivot Legal Society and tagged Canada, George Soros, Occupy Wall Street, Oil sands, TIDES, Tides Center, TIDES Foundation, Vivian Krause. Bookmark the permalink. ← Phil Donahue Discusses America’s War Mentality… (with a special poll!) […]

  3. […] through Avaaz.com, a website that is used to create online petitions (and with deep connections to George Soros & the TIDES Foundation). I always thought that Avaaz was a non-partisan organisation- however, […]

  4. […] curious to understand my issues with Soros’ involvement in Canadian politics, here’s an article that explains my position. Ross McGregor of TIDES […]

  5. […] Why The Occupy Movement Should Be Concerned About George Soros… (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  6. […] Why The Occupy Movement Should Be Concerned About George Soros… (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  7. […] Okay, this one is interesting, and it answers some questions about Occupy and the banner I posted in the first image: System Change Not Climate Change which is a meme from the Council of Canadians! Clayton was a speaker at Occupy Talks, and he is another one of Judy Rebick’s darlings. Clayton’s organization, The Indigenous Environmental Network is funded by the TIDES Foundation- led by one of the world’s most prominent Marxists, George Soros! […]

  8. […] I was writing about this issue because I’m deeply concerned with George Soros’ influence over Canadian activist movements- not because I wanted to divide ProtestBarrick’s campaign. I joined the Occupy movement […]

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