Remembrance Day Update: Elder Activist Criticises First Nations Protester & APTN Interviews Toronto Police (Feat. John Fox Sr.)

Davyn Calfchild (a.k.a. Davin Ouimet) in a his previous role as a 'reverend'

Davyn Calfchild (a.k.a. Davin Ouimet) playing the role of reverend

Yesterday a group of self promoting professional activists intentionally caused a disturbance at Toronto’s Remembrance Day ceremonies. The pack was led by Davyn Calfchild/Ouimet, an indigenous/Yemeni protester who has been tried the same trick for three years in a row now- march into the ceremonies wearing fatigues (with a Bob Marley Lion of Zion patch sewed on) and battle for his right to fly an indigenous flag.

It’s a Quixotic battle, and Ouimet knows that. Last year he admitted that he’s never reached out to ask organizers if he can bring his flag. It was a staged incident, they wanted to create a media event and they succeeded. One day later the protester’s story is continuing to unravel, and people are beginning to see through the deception. Many have realized the distastefulness of Ouimet’s protest, including a well known elder indigenous activist.

Criticism of their protest has come from people of all races and backgrounds, but some of the most hard-hitting comments have come from indigenous people. One First Nations veteran wrote on Facebook that their actions were ‘shameful’ and that he was “proud of how the military treats natives”. Closer to home, Ontario John Fox Sr. tore the protest apart:


Fox expressed two key thoughts about what he saw in the video of the arrests. First, he embarrassingly exposes Ouimet’s ignorance about indigenous land claims- explaining how Toronto isn’t Iroquois land (as Ouimet had explained to the police), and that it was originally the territory of the Mississauga of New Credit. Oops.

Next he questioned whether Ouimet was a veteran, claiming that “Canada was never at war with the former Yugoslavia”. The latter statement was true, but Ouimet claims to have been on UN Peacekeeper duty (he’s also claimed to be a hereditary chief and a reverend), so it’s still possible he’s telling the truth. Some veterans have commented that it seems unlikely a Canadian soldier could earn three medals in the short five year time period Ouimet claims to have spent in the military.

More importantly, Fox points out his thoughts on how First Nations veterans are treated in this country:

“native veterans are honored in each FN’s community and are certainly “not forgotten” and our flags are respected”

Fox posted a later statement criticising Ouimet’s poor choice of language:


Fox is a long-time indigenous activist who created the Grassroots Committee Ontario- a group that’s done a lot of campaigning against the Children’s Aid Society. Fox’s family faced a tragedy in May when his daughter Cheyenne Fox fell off the top floor of an apartment block in May. The family believes there was foul play, the police have been investigating a suicide. They led a protest about the investigation in May.

In another development, APTN did an interview with the Toronto police today that helped clarify their position on the arrests. Spokesperson Wendy Drummond (who was on the scene at Fox’s May protest) explained that the protesters were arrested because of their belligerent behaviour and Ouimet’s use of obscenities- they were disturbing the peace during what is supposed to be the country’s most peaceful moment.

Here’s a video of the APTN interview. It’s interesting how the Toronto Police Service so got their own (unedited) version of the interview up on YouTube so quickly- could this by symptomatic of there being some distrust?


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    • George Marko on November 12, 2013 at 16:47
    • Reply

    Davyn should be charged under section 419 of the criminal code. He did not earn that UN Beret.

      • Jean Pierre Forest on November 12, 2013 at 20:49
      • Reply

      In my days we would say he should be charged under section 13 of the SCA which is “Being Stupid in a No Stupid Zone.” of the SCA Stunned Cunts Act, sorry for the language. My Airborne days are not the far

      • KayLee on November 12, 2013 at 23:59
      • Reply

      I didn’t know you knew him personally? Were you there when he fought for our country to say he didn’t? I forgot you can buy a UN beret on EBay.. maybe you should buy some respect and a brain there too LOL

    • Caligula Jones on November 12, 2013 at 21:13
    • Reply

    It is rather sickening that EVERY media source takes him at his word. A guy dressed like that, who has a rather long online history, and he’s just a “native veteran” who happened to have a few flags on hand…

    Seriously, one question: what was his unit in “Yugoslavia”? That’s all the MSM has to ask…

    1. It blows my mind to say this, but the Toronto Star did an okay job with their story- they at least made it clear that they hadn’t confirmed if he was a veteran or not, and they mentioned the fact that Ouimet neglected to ask for permission. That said, they could have done a whole lot better.

        • CaligulaJones on November 13, 2013 at 15:44
        • Reply

        Noticed they just closed the comments, right before I was going to answer “Northern Cynic”, who believes that he had a right to bring his own flag as many natives consider the Canadian flag to be oppressive:

        “No doubt the few remaining Wendat would have the same opinion of the Haudenosaunee flag…”

    • KayLee on November 12, 2013 at 23:57
    • Reply

    George…I didn’t know you knew him personally? Were you there when he fought for our country to say he didn’t? I forgot you can buy a UN beret on Ebay… maybe you should go buy some respect and a brain too! LOL

    1. I know him personally, and I no longer believe a word that he says- the man has a long history of making false claims about the police, and of making vicious racist attacks towards them.

    • Ciaran Ahern on November 13, 2013 at 03:44
    • Reply

    Another of Annetts proteges eh?
    Annett has the midas touch in reverse.Anything that he touches turns to s****.

    • The Hammer on November 13, 2013 at 14:15
    • Reply

    Interesting that the police took a harder line. Perhaps they are starting to listen to the people for a change instead of just listening to a vocal tiny minority. It could also be something else.

    Premier Wynne has started making mining of Norther Ontario’s “Ring of Fire” a priority. Mining in the ring of fire is exactly the type of thing the actovistocrat crowd loves to hate. It could be that the provincial government wants to start putting the activistocrats in their place to make them easier to deal with when Ring of Fire mining starts.

    And the provincial government badly needs the Ring of Fire. They are running a massive deficit and want to increase spending. Their only hope to continue this kind of spending is a significant increase in revenue. And since Ontario was running a deficit even when the economy was booming they need to look past simple taxation to get that increased revenue.

      • CaligulaJones on November 13, 2013 at 15:47
      • Reply

      Oh don’t worry, there is an entire “Ring of Fire” Secretariat in the MNDM. Current staff: 15, and counting…

    • Duen De on November 15, 2013 at 01:03
    • Reply

    ‘Canada was never at war with the former Yugoslavia’

    The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was NATO’s military operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War. The Canadian Air Force deployed a total of 18 CF-18s, enabling them to be responsible for 10% of all bombs dropped in the operation.

    • I knowhim well on November 15, 2013 at 02:14
    • Reply

    I know him, he is not a soldier. Why don’t you ask him his Muslim name when he was a recruit for them.

    • Herb on November 15, 2013 at 10:12
    • Reply

    Lol! Toronto is Iroquois land… You really should do your research before quoting idiots….not that I expect an idiot to do any actual unbiased research…

    • Courtney on November 15, 2013 at 21:39
    • Reply

    “The Mississaugas arrived in (Toronto) in the late 17th or early 18th century, driving out the occupying Iroquois”.. article authour may have been quick to jump on this guy, calling him ignorant.

    1. It was John Fox who claimed it was New Credit land. Regardless, it’s a great example of land claim madness…

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