Documentary Teaser: Hope Is Not A Plan

A good friend told me about Paul Caune recently. She said he was a courageous man who has been fighting against the system for many years now, and could possibly provide me with advice on how to deal with my complaint against Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH), and the malpractice of one of their staff.

Coincidentally, I ran across Paul this evening on one of the (many) Occupy Vancouver facebook pages where he posted a link to this trailer/teaser for a documentary that will be released in January 2013. We’re ‘Facebook friends’ now, and I hope I will be able to contribute to his cause in the future…

Paul’s has Muscular Dystrophy, and has been bound to a wheelchair since he was 28 (he’s about my age, we’re both in our early 40’s.) From what I’ve read, Paul has had one hell of a battle to face with VCH- his rights have been forsaken many times.

At one point Paul was threatened to be committed under the Mental Health Act (though he is not mentally ill). VCH also used RCMP officers to try and intimidate him to moving into an inappropriate care centre that was far away from his family.

People refer to this sort of behaviour as ‘political psychiatry‘- a dangerous practice that appears to have happened more than once in BC. In my case, this appears to be only the work of a rogue person who was trying to retaliate for my calling Harsha Walia out on her support of violence, racism & sexism.

If you’d like more information on Paul and his struggle for social justice, I’d recommend visiting his website:

Paul Caune of

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