A Warning for Canadians- George Soros’ TIDES Foundation is Invading!


Not a fan of Beck (at all) but sometimes he is right- this is one of them…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/03/25/a-warning-for-canadians-tides-foundation-in-invading/


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  1. Wow this guy is involved with Occupy Canada? Glenn Beck scored some points with me for seeing and re[porting the facts. This guys gotta go.

    • Linda Kronstadt on March 4, 2013 at 00:51
    • Reply

    Liberals lose their vaunted love for democracy whenever they lose elections. If they can’t win at the ballot box, they attempt to make an end run around the democratic process and try to litigate duly elected officials out of office. That is what was tried when Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler, Paul Magder, Clayton Ruby and others brought trumped-up legal charges against Toronto’s current mayor. Fortunately, they lost and the people’s choice for mayor will remain in office until the end of his term.

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  2. […] A Warning for Canadians- George Soros’ TIDES Foundation is Invading! (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintTumblrRedditPinterestLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in George Soros, Occupy Movement, Politics and tagged Adbusters, Far-left politics, George Soros, Globalism, Left-wing politics, New World Order, Occupy Movement, Open Society Institute, Politics, soros, Soros Foundation. Bookmark the permalink. ← Fukushima Gets Worse- Potential “China Syndrome” […]

  3. […] A Warning for Canadians- George Soros’ TIDES Foundation is Invading! (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  4. […] A Warning for Canadians- George Soros’ TIDES Foundation is Invading! (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  5. […] A Warning for Canadians- George Soros’ TIDES Foundation is Invading! (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintTumblrRedditPinterestLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Canada, Conservative Party, Liberal Party of Canada, NDP, Occupy Movement, Occupy Toronto, Occupy Vancouver, Unions and tagged Arab Spring, Canada, George Soros, Jamie Biggar, Judy Rebick, Leadnow, Leadnow.ca, MoveOn.org, Robocall, Robocall Rally, RoboCalls, TIDES Canada, TIDES Foundation, Toronto. Bookmark the permalink. ← The Curious Case of Sarah Buehler, Robocall Rallies and Openmedia.ca […]

  6. […] A Warning for Canadians- George Soros’ TIDES Foundation is Invading! (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  7. […] books and prove your claim you’ve never taken any money from/through the TIDES Foundation or other Soros influenced organizations? Are you ready to […]

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