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Sandy Garossino



Sandy Garossino is one of Vancouver’s more notorious Twitter bullies. I first noticed this when she was bullying a friend of mine- she publically declared that this person’s credibility was lost after twisting her words like licorice. Garossino has been executing a serious hate campaign against Vivian Krause, or anyone else who criticises TIDES Canada. When called out on her bullying, Garossino shows her expertise in cognitive dissonance by calling the person who criticises her a bully.

Garossino leads the Red Hood Project with children’s entertainer Raffi- somehow, he thinks it’s okay to let a bully be responsible for anti-bullying policy. We life in a very sick world…

Desmogging Emma Gilchrist’s GarossinoStyle™ Cheap Tricks Against Vivian Krause (Feat. Vision Vancouver)

Garossino goes after Vivian Krause trying to discredit her years of work because of speaking gigs Krause did years later. Emma Gilchrist of the DeSmogBlog takes it and runs with it- “common sense” PR at its worst…

Sandy Garossino, Linda Solomon, Rob Ford, Mental Health Stigmatization, And The Future Of Canada’s Bullying Policy…

Garossino demonstrates how low she will stoop to protect her TIDES Canada masters…

Sandy Garossino Needs To Resign From The Red Hood Anti-Bullying Project (feat. Raffi, Rachel Goodine & Gena Thompson)

Garossino participates in a mob-bullying against me with some of Vancouver’s most notorious trolls…

An Open Letter About Bullying To Sandy Garossino

More bullying towards me from Garossino after I called-out her terrible behaviour against Vivian Krause…

TIDES Canada, The Rockefeller Foundation & Nazi Eugenics… (Feat. Josef Mengele & Sandy Garossino)

Some analysis for Garossino explaining why she has been wrong with her attacks on Krause.

The World According To Garossino… (Feat. Joel Solomon, Thomas Mulcair & David Eby…)

Garossino writes an article insulting Vivian Krause- some analysis of why her behaviour is dangerous…

TIDES Canada & Sandy Garossino: Strange Bedfellows Who Fight Dirty…

Garossino throws deeply personal insults at Vivian Krause while twisting her words…

MediaWatch: Grouchy Garossino’s Logical Fallacy Folly

More analysis of an article Garossino write about Krause…

Vancouver Politician Sandy Garossino Has Temper Tantrum- Credibility lost…

Garossino’s bullying attack on my friend. She walked away when being corrected, but has had a vendetta ever since…

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