Now, This Is Interesting!

So I posted a link to the Media Co-Op page where they linked to me last night. I woke up today to find it was re-posted/shared by Bert Easterbrook. And, his comment nearly popped my eyes out- it seems we think alike! I think I’m beginning to like him…

Then, I go to this blog’s stats page to see how things are going (well, it appears, a lot of people have been coming here the past few days.) The top search term this morning, once again, blew my mind!

Say it ain’t true Harsha- who out there thinks you are mafia? Not something I would have thought of, but someone sure seems to. Perhaps even two people…

The last thing I’ll share with you today is a clipping of a conversation I had initiated with our city government. Mayor Gregor (who wasn’t polite enough to invite me over to his place when I was over on Cortes Island, lol) posted a message about ‘thirst’ and it reminded me of the issue with the Curtis Brick fountain. So I asked:

I’ll share the results with you when they come in. That said, considering I’ve been trying to get this fixed since October, I’ll refrain from holding my breath. Hate to say that- but it appears that Sarah Blyth totally dropped the ball on this one…

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