Why Did City Hall Give A Race Relations Award To A Racist? (Feat. John Tory)

On December 6th the city government gave the William P. Hubbard Race Relations Award to Black Lives Matter Toronto. As most of this website’s readers already know, BLMTO has a racism and a violence problem. Knowing this, I headed down to City Hall to ask members of the Council what their opinion was on this massive screw-up.

Stay tuned for a detailed written account of my trip to City Hall, a look into the individuals who voted on the award, and their relationships to city councilors and the city’s NGO/SJW industrial complex.

And, as always, if you like my work and want to contribute towards my costs traveling to and covering stories like this messed-up awards ceremony, You can find my PayPal account here and my Patreon account here (any amount, no matter how small, is greatly welcome).

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2016/12/09/why-did-city-hall-give-a-race-relations-award-to-a-racist-feat-john-tory/


    • Jaedo Drax on December 10, 2016 at 20:08
    • Reply

    Who is on this committee then?

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