OPSEU Thugs Attack Motorists At Liberal Convention!

Spring is back, the horror of this year’s winter is over, and it was time to get out on the streets and watch the union members thugs in action! So, I met up with Undercoverkity behind the Toronto Convention Centre to watch OPSEU’s finest (and their OCAP friends fiends) attack Liberals as they walk into their convention. We weren’t disappointed, the union members thugs got nasty with motorists- it all stopped when they realized the people filming weren’t “union friendly”.

Anyhow, enjoy, and watch the thuggish behaviour one would expect from a union so messed-up they once stood up for using martial arts equipment against autistic kids. OPSEU pride!

OCAP thugs join OPSEU thugs

OCAP thugs join OPSEU thugs

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/03/11/opseu-thugs-attack-motorists-at-liberal-convention/


    • Fritz Kohlhaas on March 13, 2015 at 02:29
    • Reply

    Unions Stink!

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