Interactive Chart: Who Got Arrested/Detained On Burnaby Mountain?

When the RCMP read out the court’s injunction against protesters “resisting” Kinder Morgan’s surveying work on Burnaby Mountain it was like they pulled the trigger on a starting gun; beckoning every professional protester, cop hater, and misguided AnarchoKiddy™ to rush up to Burnaby post-haste!

Today’s graph is still a work-in-progress, I’ve managed to compile a significant number of the protesters who were arrested or detained, but there’s still a lot of work to do! This is where you come in dear readers, I’d like to try a crowdsourcing experiment. No, the article’s purpose isn’t to ask for money (but if you like my work, there’s no better way to tell me than pressing the donation button near the top-right of this page!), what I’m hoping for is that some of you can help find me more names!

Besides names and networks, to get you started- here are a couple key things that we can learn from the chart:

1.) Yes, some of the protesters appear to be genuinely motivated by their (perceived) issues with the project- but we’re also seeing a lot of the same old faces we saw at the 2010 Olympics, Occupy, and even the G20. Basically, there’s nearly as much AstroTurf as BC Place!

2.) It’s impossible to miss how many of the key players here have been to the violent Unist’ot’en Action Camp- an anarchist sponsored protest in northern BC that the RCMP view as an extremist organization. Even the “great” David Suzuki himself has taken the trip up there (his grandson too).

So while you’re surfing the Net reading about the antics of the Burnaby Mountain rabble, if you see information about anyone else who got arrested or detained, please share (either in the comments section, or to my email box ([email protected]).

Thanks in-advance for your help- hope you enjoy (and if you do, the donation button is on the top-right side of the page!). To view a person/organization’s network just hover the mouse over their icon, click it to pop-up more details on them, and use your scroll wheel or the graph’s “+/-” buttons to zoom in and out.

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    • DigDiggerDug on November 24, 2014 at 13:03
    • Reply

    This really doesn’t mean anything. Just because I’m interested in going to soccer and football games doesn’t mean I’m a “professional sport viewer”. It means I care about the sports of soccer and football.

    So what if someone showed up at a labour day parade and showed up to protest at a anti-pipeline event? That describes my retired union pipe-fitter neighbor. Describing David Suzuki as “great” with the asterisks really shows you for what you are, as a right-wing hack.

    1. You see folks, another example of the #BurnabyMountain crowd’s poor logic skills. Even after graduating Indiana University, and working on her graduate degree at Simon Fraser, it appears Melissa Roth can’t reason her way out of a wet paper bag…

      • Fritz Becker on November 25, 2014 at 04:26
      • Reply

      He’s really getting to you guys isn’t he? Now why is that? Is it because he has been pulling back the curtain and showing the world exactly what you don’t want them to see? Let’s see if I get this straight, some of the faces on Burnaby Mountain show up at almost every other protest too, any time, anywhere, even in the middle of a work day. One day it’s a Kinder Morgan protest, the next day it’s the Barrick Gold AGM, the next Idle No More!, the next an anti poverty rally, and many also seem to have enough time to go on a trip to the Unist’ot’en camp and stay there for a number of days. I could see some normal person going to a weekend rally, or a protest on a statutory holiday, but even someone working part time could not show up for almost every single event, nor would they want to. Unless someone is independently wealthy, or retired, it is impossible for someone to do this without some means of financial support, so the only conclusion one can draw is that this is what some protesters do for a living.

  1. The professional protester crown cant argue, at least not factually, their way out of anything without eventually resorting to the standard lines of race, and so forth. Great post and great list .

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