Union/NDP Front Group Slaps Harper With Teleportation Con-Artist! (Feat. Operation Maple)

Alfred Webre (left) believes Obama has travelled to Mars...

Alfred Webre (left) believes Obama has travelled to Mars…

Have you ever wondered to yourself how deep Canada’s public service unions are willing to sink into depravity in their quest attack Stephen Harper? If so then today is your lucky day- after three years of tracking and reporting on anarcho-syndicalist bedlam, Your Humble Narrator has identified an example so absurdly dark and idiotic it would make Curtis Nixon blush!

Today’s story has it all: a hostile foreign government, falsified mass graves of indigenous children, claims that Barack Obama secretly travelled to Mars, a washed out sitcom superstar, and two con-artists! All of this delicious hilarity is brought to us by Operation Maple- the Union/NDP front group that helped bring us Occupy Toronto!

Occupy Maple is one of the most blatant examples of how the militant unions prop up the NDP. They’ve produced scores of videos and hundreds of social media postings attacking Harper- and, to a lesser extent, Justin Trudeau. But curiously, when it comes NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, Operation Maple treats him like a knight in shining armour.



Operation Maple continued their pattern of partisan dirty tricks on January 21st by posting a series of Agitprop videos on their YouTube page. There were three parts to the series, each contained clips of and about Harper from the media. Each part shared the same cavalier title- “Stephen Harper: Am I A Dictator?”.

Let’s start with the obvious here; Stephen Harper isn’t a dictator, and Canada is as far from being a dictatorship as Sid Ryan is remorseful about assaulting a woman on the last day of Occupy Toronto (he’s not, Sid is a thug). Not only is this title an insult to all of the Canadians who had to flee brutal dictatorships, but it’s dangerous to people who are facing them now. This behaviour cheapens the struggles of many brave souls.

The first video includes a clip from an appearance Harper made on Fox News in the US. The interviewer questions Harper about the government’s taxation strategy pointing out how Canada’s corporate tax is/was 10% lower in Canada than it is in the US. The interviewer then asks Harper if he feels his plan is better than Obama’s, but he rightly refuses to comment on US domestic policy.

It’s unknown how this video shows that Harper is a dictator. Any dictator worth his salt wouldn’t have used Harper’s namby pamby “I don’t comment on US domestic policy” tactic. Mao would have had the interviewer lined-up against the wall before he finished asking the question- by the time the clip was over, his family would have been invoiced for the bullet!

The third video (let’s save the best for last) includes two clips from the CBC. The first clip is of Harper’s rather intense video about his anti-terrorism strategy. The follow-up clip is of George Stroumboulopoulos criticising Harper’s speech claiming that it’s “childish”. Once again, the video does nothing to show that Harper’s a dictator- the only thing we learn from watching is the ineptitude of the people at Operation Maple.

PressTV is the global news propaganda arm of the Iranian government. It would be a gross understatement to say that the Iranians aren’t fond of Stephen Harper, the two governments have been in a serious diplomatic rift since we withdrew diplomatic relations in 2012.  Since then, the Iranians have used PressTV to help drive a wedge between indigenous communities and the government.

Most of PressTV’s stories about Canadian politics are bordering on the absurd. Their most idiotic piece claimed that the government is planning to starve West Coast indigenous communities to death by arranging the extinction of Pacific salmon. The vast majority of PressTV’s coverage of Canada’s indigenous issues is deliberate provocation (a tactic the Iranians learned from the British over a century ago).

Yes, Hassan Rouhani, indigenous people go to supermarkets!

Yes Iran, indigenous people go to supermarkets!

If you haven’t guessed by now, Operation Maple’s second video features clips from PressTV. Here, have a look:

If you’ve been following this website for long, then you’re probably familiar with the greasy little man PressTV calls “Alfred Labremont”. His full name is Alfred Labremont Webre, he’s a grifter who preys on intellectually/emotionally vulnerable people- selling them courses on subjects like ‘teleportation’, promising the certificates they earn can be used to secure bank loans and jobs. When not taking his follower’s money, Webre shares his theories that Obama secretly travelled to Mars in his youth.

[In the Interest of full disclosure, Webre has labelled Your Humble Narrator as a CSIS operative]

Both Alfred Webre and PressTV were involved in what’s likely the most cruel hoax against Canadian indigenous communities in modern history. Webre mentions this in Operation Maple’s clip- claiming that a mass grave of residential school children was discovered in Brampton, Ontario.

The hoax was led by Kevin Annett, a defrocked United Church minister and former recruiter for the Canadian Auto Workers union. Annett, with the assistance of people from Occupy Toronto and the CAW, faked the discovery of a mass grave at the Six Nations reserve in Brantford in 2011. Their fraud was first exposed on this website in early 2012, the Aboriginal People’s Television later did an excellent piece showing the damage Annett did to the community. Regardless this evidence, TV star Roseanne Barr is still actively supports Annett’s fraud.

This isn’t the first time Operation Maple’s work intersected with the Iranian government. The made a scare piece last June on behalf of Ken Stone, a regular on PressTV who travelled to Iran as the guest of a hostile government. As one would expect, Stone got a visit from CSIS after he got home.

Rather than accept responsibility for his choices, Stone (with help from PressTV and the CBC) twisted the story like a piece of licorice- making it seem the CSIS visit was only based on an article he wrote. Operation Maple used the story to create an anti-government scare video that had little relation to the truth.

This is your brain (or lack thereof) on millitant labour…

PressTV's Joshua Blakeney and Operation Maple

PressTV’s Joshua Blakeney and Operation Maple


Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/18/unionndp-front-group-slaps-harper-with-teleportation-con-artist-feat-operation-maple/


  1. “In the interests of Disclosure”…. Oh I love the pun!!! Webre would love nothing more than to see his first alien…

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