It’s Oh So Quiet…

I’ve been quiet the past couple of weeks and some of my readers have reached out to ask if everything is okay (thank you for caring friends). Life is good, I’ve spent most of my time researching for some interesting stories on the history of Christian anarchists in Canada. Stay tuned, I’ll be posting my first story early next week.

-Your Humble Narrator

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    • Gaylord on November 2, 2013 at 20:09
    • Reply

    Christian anarchists?? It’s got to be a short story.

    1. It’s a much longer story than you’d expect- Christian anarchists have been around us for some time, and Canada has played a very significant part in their history…

        • Gaylord on November 3, 2013 at 07:28
        • Reply

        In that case I look forward to the details.

    • ntt1 on November 2, 2013 at 22:57
    • Reply

    You are not talking about church ladies deliberately flaunting the Canadian guide to safe food handling during their bake sales are you?.
    Is the blue rinse actually a political stance?
    I imagine these ladie’s devotion to their church and social scene and their stubborn adherence to morality are enough to give activist street sluts like harsha wallia the vapours.

    • Ciaran Ahern on November 3, 2013 at 14:28
    • Reply

    Will you be covering the CON MAN Kevin Annett ?
    I certainly hope so Greg

    1. I will, soon…

        • Ciaran Ahern on November 11, 2013 at 15:37
        • Reply

        I will look forward to that.
        Thank you.

    • Barb on November 4, 2013 at 11:43
    • Reply

    Oh look, half of the braintrust at Afghans for Peace is still on the hustings, lining up speaking engagements where she can spout her customary drivel about Canadian imperialism. She’s fashioned quite a career out of being a malcontent.

    • The Hammer on November 4, 2013 at 19:16
    • Reply

    And hopefully another appearance on TV with Ezra.

    • Ciaran Ahern on November 11, 2013 at 15:36
    • Reply

    Thanks Greg

    • K.C. on November 21, 2013 at 13:56
    • Reply

    Hey Greg, Good to hear you’re around. Zach and his merry pranksters ambushed the GE Hitachi open house harrassing residents who, much to his surprise, cornered him telling him to provide proof for the fear he was stirring. Then when he said people have right to make decisions for themselves he was told he is the one who dismisses the individuals when he proclaims he’s the only one entitled to tell them what to think. People were getting fed up….like really fed up…it’s a working class neighborhood kind of fed up. Some of those people didn’t look like they wanted to solve differences over tea and a convivial chat. Some of us got the sense that the police who were there were probably his best friends at one point. They were actually protecting him. How life gets stranger than fiction.
    Sorry you missed it.

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