Video Preview: Anarchist Led Rabble At Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Home…

A preview of what Your Humble narrator observed while covering the anarchist and other radical left protesters rabble at Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s house this afternoon. Notice how Sayed Hussan of No One Is Illegal gets the crowd to chant “justice for Grassy”. It’s all eerily familiar to the last big protest he led when he helped co-opt the Sammy Yatim march. Is Hussan simply on auto-pilot, or is this an intentional provocation?

Many of the ‘usual suspects’ showed up for the protest- including G20 ringleaders, the (Mennonite funded) Christian Peacemaker Teams, Council of Canadians, and members of the Ontario Common Front. Stay tuned for the full story, and some important questions we all need to ask…

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  1. I find your derogatory inferences about this rally in support of people who have suffered from police brutality to be surprising. Is it not true that democracy requires eternal vigilance? Since when do police have the right to demand instant compliance with their “commands” to citizens? Since when was it mandatory that people like Dr. Simona Tibu, a Camrose Alberta dentist to submit in less than a nanosecond, to a violent highway patrol officer without having any right to set a condition that he stop hitting her car before she interacts with him?

    It is utterly amazing that there are ignorant zombie-like people who do not feel that police have to be governed in their actions that demean and harm citizens. Only if constitutional charter rights are adopted by law enforcement as their supreme law, will there be a genuine “peace officer” function in Canada

      • R. Shaver on September 3, 2013 at 14:48
      • Reply

      Police have the right to demand instant compliance to their commands when a citizen is ARMED.

    • The Hammer on August 26, 2013 at 08:55
    • Reply

    As much as I detest the Ontario Liberals and Kathleen Wynne (most corrupt government in the history of Canada–just had to get that out of the way) it is pretty low class to run a protest outside Wynne’s house.

  2. Hammer, of course its low class but them , when these guys who organized this are involved, they seem to have this inability to raise above even the lowest , smallest mound of poop. They can’t even come up with something original, indeed Hussan the head dork-ganizer of this even had to co-opt his chants from another protest.

      • The Hammer on August 26, 2013 at 14:53
      • Reply

      I realized something today. Every movement they hijack ends up quickly dying out. Wonder if they notice the trend.

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