BC’s provincial election is coming up next month and the electioneering has begun to hit full swing- politicians are shaking hands, holding babies, raising money and working hard to get their final endorsements. Josh Steffler is an independent candidate for the Esquimalt-Royal Roads who has been following a similar path, with one exception- he’s running an ethical “no money” campaign, so he’s skipped the fundraising part. (We need to take all corporate/union money out of politics, this is good…)
The problem is that, without money, it can be very difficult for a politician to get their name out. So Steffler and his team of campaigners came up with a novel way to get some attention by soliciting an endorsement from the Sasquatch (a.k.a. Big Foot). Well, it didn’t quite go that way- but, they were certainly successful!
The Sasquatch was’t real, just a guy in a costume- but he too endorses Steffler. He and Steffler’s supporters stood on a pedestrian overpass waving signs calling for people to vote in their favour. The stunt was so successful that it got the attention of CTV News. They came to film one of Steffler’s Sasquatch rallies and gave Josh’s campaign an impressive 30 second mention in the nightly news.
Not only did CTV show video about the Sasquatch stunt, but they also gave the Steffler campaign what amounted to a free 30 second commercial- reading out some of the highlights of his campaign:
– He’s running a ‘no money’ campaign with no donations and no expenses.
– Steffler believes that money corrupts politics & politicians.
– He promises to work to help stem the tide of unsustainable debt in British Columbia.
At a recent meet the candidates meeting Steffler caught the audience’s enthusiastic applause when he stated his feelings on the Capital Region District’s plans to build a sewage treatment plant. He’s also shown leadership helping to organize a “Solutions Rally” on the lawn of the provincial legislature- a refreshing event where there was no protesting, instead people discussed potential solutions to issues that are important to them. The event was a total success.
I’m not aware of the merits of the other candidates, so can’t make an qualified analysis. That said, I’ve watched Steffler’s work over the past year and I’ve been totally impressed with what he’s accomplished. Josh seems to believe in what he says, and I have no doubt he’d work hard to fulfil his campaign promises. His determination to campaign without money is highly commendable too- if Josh gets elected it would be a powerful way to tell BC’s (many) corrupt politicians that the voters are sick and tired of the corruption (yes, that means you Clark & Eby).
And that, in itself, is reason enough to vote for Josh Steffler. I’ll join the Sasquatch and pitch-in my endorsement…
Here’s the video:
Josh Steffler’s Campaign Webpage: http://joshsteffler.wordpress.com/
Josh Steffler’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JoshStefflerForIndependentMla
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Thanks for sharing!