This week saw the sentencing of one of the last people residing in Canada being tried for the violence during the Toronto G20 summit (they’re moving onto Americans now). Eva Botton was convicted on six counts of Damage over $5,000, and one last count for using a disguise. Botton was part of a Black Bloc, …
March 2013 archive
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Mar 26
Two Penny Philanthropist: The Annett Family’s Great Indian Residential School & Tax Fraud Adventure!
If there’s anything that Kevin Annett has proven in his career appropriating the voices of Canada’s residential school survivors it’s that there’s a sucker born every minute. Despite the depth of research done on Annett, repeated denouncements of his fraud by residential school survivors and even a feature length expose by the Aboriginal People’s Television Network- there …
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Mar 22
Ryerson University Students Subjected To Sexualized Hazing And Humiliation…
I was walking out of the Eaton Centre this afternoon, at Dundas Square, when I saw a group of Ryerson students run past in what first appeared to be some sort of a group prank. There were two distinct groups- those who were wearing coveralls with “Ryerson Engineering” logos on them, and another group who …
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Mar 18
Kevin Annett Gets His Official Ugly Stick! (feat. Rainbow Warrior Speak, RCMP & The Antichrist!)
I’ve been avoiding writing about Kevin Annett the past few weeks. The word is out, most reasonable people understand he’s a complete fraud (including his fraudulent claim to have discovered a mass grave in Brantford, Ontario), and he’s been putting out a lot of complete nonsense- only a fool would believe in Annett these days. …
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