UofT Hate Party: The Socialist Party Of Ontario Waffles On Free Speech Rights (feat. Michael Laxer)

Michael Laxer: A Guy Who Protects Censorship...

Michael Laxer: Red Diaper Poster Boy For The Old-Left…

In April that I wrote a story about a radical fringe group of Canada’s New Democratic Party called the Waffle. They were an obedience cult who enforced their members to keep the party line through a deeply invasive and humiliating set of tactics including whispering campaigns and group bullying. The Waffle were so entirely off-the-wall that it didn’t take long for them to be ejected from the NDP.

Some former Waffleites came together and created the International Socialist Organization (ISO)- a Marxist / Trotskyite (pro-violence) obedience cult who publish the Socialist Worker. There are a lot of recognizable names connected to the IS: York University Professor David McNally, Con-Artist Kevin Annett (one of the original members), and the Council of Canadians.

The ISO sponsored the hate party...

The ISO sponsored the hate party…

Two of the people behind the Waffle were Robert Laxer and his son James Laxer. James had a son named Michael Laxer- a man who has the honour of writing one of Rabble.ca’s most incredible stories since Krystalline Kraus covered Kevin Annett’s claim of using an exorcism make a tornado hit the Vatican

The Laxer family as been involved in radical Marxist/Trotskyite politics since at least the early 1930’s when Robert joined the Communist party of Canada. He got his doctorate of psychology at the UofT, was an associate professor at the radical Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), and was appointed by Pierre Trudeau to the board of the state-owned oil company Petro-Canada. Robert was also active in the Council of Canadians.

James Laxer write a book about his childhood as a Red Diaper Baby. He ran, and failed for the leadership of the NDP in 1971. He ran for parliament, and failed, in 1974.  He was hired as the director of research for the NDP in 1981, but left in 1983 after criticising their policies as ‘out of date’. (Criticism isn’t popular in the NDP)

Michael Laxer is less accomplished than his father & grandfather- he runs a bookstore. He ran for City Councilor in 2010 and got a whopping 3.543% of the vote. He also failed the Ontario NDP after losing elections in 2000 & 2003. He later repeated the history of his father & grandfather- starting a group called the Ginger Project, breaking up with the NDP, and founding The Socialist Party of Ontario.

As I’ve said, Laxter’s article about the UofT Hate Party a little bit out there- even for Rabble.ca. What happened that night was that a group of radical anarchist & (fringe) feminist thugs came to block people from entering a lecture by a Men’s Right’s author named Warren Farrell. The protesters swore and insulted the police and ticket holders, blocked the entrance, and got into a shoving match with the police.

The UofT’s Provost’s office released a letter saying that what happened that night was an offence to principles of free speech. Most, reasonable, people understand this- but, for Laxter, things looked a whole lot different…

First, he takes an age-old (and past the sell-by date) tactic of implying that there was police brutality. Of course, no details are given, and no complaints have been filed. Someone who was there that day has told me the only time when the police used any force (and they used very little) was when they had to clear the doors of the members of the ISO’s Thought Police who were blocking ticket holders from entering.

Next he presents some of the most malformed logic the world’s seen since the days of Josef Stalin and the 5 year plan:

“While obviously, one might note, disrupting events and civil disobedience are also a fundamental part of free speech and of the historic fight against injustice”

Wait just a minute! Did he just say that blocking someone from speaking is a fundamental part of free speech? What did they put in his waffle that morning- LSD?

God Hates The Socialist Party of Ontario...

God Hates The Socialist Party of Ontario…

If Laxer believes this is true then he’s aligned himself with the Westboro Baptist Church. However, both the people behind the ruckus that night, and Westboro fail a critical test of free speech- do their activities infringe on the rights of others? Blocking auditoriums and disrupting speaking engagements infringes the rights of the people who are speaking.

Oy vey…

Laxer then criticises the UofT for hiring a private investigator to look into the university’s problem with Anarchists during the G20:

“…this is a statement issued by a university administration whose alleged devotion to “free speech” was so great that, during the G20 protests they hired a private investigator whose reports of “people outside of the GSU building wearing “Black Bloc attire”

There are so many things wrong with this:

  1. UofT weren’t interested in the fashion statements- they were trying to identify problems with violent anarchists.
  2. If the anarchists were only planning to speak, they wouldn’t have had to investigate- they planned to (and did) smash up the city.
  3. The UofT Graduate Student Union (GSU) has become a haven for anarchists- as an example, here’s a Zach Ruiter video featuring anarchists at the GSU. (Notice Ashleigh Ingle making a claim of racism)


There’s only one part of Laxer’s article that I agree with- I wrote about it in my article about what happened that day. We shouldn’t be focussing on some of the women identified in the video- we really need to be focussing on the people behind the curtains.

Laxer is the poster boy for the group of Old-Left behind the curtain that night. He’s a privileged man who comes from a family who had power and deep political connections. He’s abusing that privilege by writing outright propaganda that’s sure to be believed by the members of his obedience cult. He’s making a mockery out of the principles of justice and free speech while he’s doing it.

Let’s hope the Socialist Party of Ontario dies quickly…


Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/12/19/uoft-hate-party-the-socialist-party-of-ontario-waffles-on-free-speech-rights-feat-michael-laxer/


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    • Standing Water on December 19, 2012 at 01:51
    • Reply

    “Anyone can look through the A Voice for Men discussion boards to see palpable anger and hatred towards women and feminists.” (Laxer’s article)

    “Wait just a minute! Did he just say that blocking someone from speaking is a fundamental part of free speech? What did they put in his waffle that morning- LSD?”

    A little bit out there, but why not?

    This is something I wonder about—are most of these Garden Variety Radical Socialists (GVRS) people who have an HPPD-like disorder, that is, continuing perceptual distortions due to teenaged (and onward, or even earlier, I met some people once who talked about dosing their own children, which struck me as cultish and creepy) (ab)use of psychedelics? They tend to “see anger” and all sorts of synaesthetic nonsense like that. I mean, if you get off on “feeling”/”seeing” the music, dancing, that’s one thing, but making emotional-perceptual disorder the basis for a political ideology is quite another.

    The other thing is that the effects of LSD were well-studied by the CIA et al. and the main effect they determined was that it increases suggestibility. And given cross-tolerance with Mescaline, Psilocin, etc. it’s likely that the research is generalizable to those substances. Could it be that GVRS are the product of the lack of an above-ground psychedelic scene, which enables all sorts of sickos to abuse what ought to be, at least in Dr. Leary’s humble opinion, an apolitical, ahistorical experience?

    And if we go back a bit, we find the psychotomimetic theory of psychedelics being popular, that they induce a state similar to the early stages of schizophrenia, at least in some people. Given the level of disordered speech that _so many_ leftists use these days, which really does border on Ingsoc-style distortion of language, one has to wonder: are they inherently quasi-schizophrenic, is their thought/speech disorder induced as part of a recruitment project that involves psychedelics, or are they simply faking because it means they won’t pick up reasonable people, who make bad obedience cultists, anyway?

    “media legitimizes creationists by giving them air time. ” (Laxer’s article)

    This speaks very much to a big problem with the GVRS. They believe in “right answers.” Creationism is a view held by, arguably, many of the world’s people. Do I think creationism will lead to the next big thing in cancer research? Of course not. But not everything is about that sort of research—there’s arguably a need for unifying narratives (or mythologies) that help to situate people in a shared moral community. I would be willing to have a dialogue on creationism, on most anything—but I am not a GVRS who thinks there’s an exigent need for violence and therefore no time for talk.

    As usual, a good article.

    • The Hammer on December 19, 2012 at 12:22
    • Reply

    When I read the first couple paragraphs of Laxer’s article it looked as if he could have been writing from the other side: “…movement have arrived at the University of Toronto with a bang; and a seeming campaign of overt intimidation against those who oppose them.”

    • Duguld on December 20, 2012 at 03:19
    • Reply

    What do you make of this? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151363041455993&id=747025992

    • Tamara Dippel on December 25, 2012 at 12:46
    • Reply

    This is shameful! I looked up a website A Voice For Men and I read some of the articles… They had very valid concerns. I didn’t see any of the stereotypical sexist towards woman stuff on that site that these particular feminists are claiming are happening in the MRA, I saw a bunch of people (males) who felt they were being treated abusively and as lessers! Their stories were genuinely those of people being treated in a discriminatory way. What troubles me the most on this is the claim that men are faking rapes… In this day, with men being made out to be always the aggressors, I am certain any man who was raped would be deeply hesitant to report it, as they would feel no-one would believe them! So it troubles me to think these men are suffering the trauma of rape with no help or support. This is very serious!! The feminist activists claiming men are lying may be assuming it is fake because of stereotypes and that is very harmful!

    It seems in the rush for equality some feminists have become sexist themselves. Equal rights means you can’t treat anyone, male or female, as lessers. To speak of any human as subhuman, to profile anyone based on sex or race etc is discrimination. Treating men as criminals based on their sex is sexist…I am ashamed of what is happening now between men and woman. I hope these sexist “feminists” don’t gain power to do more than speak their mind. I would hate to find any laws or policies passed that would cause legal sexism towards men, or anyone for that matter.

    I say “feminists” with quotations because the whole point of feminism was to gain equality between women and men. What they are advocating is not equality, it is sexism. It criminalize men based on gender and many other things. Unless the definition of feminism is changing (which happens with words and terms), they have lost “the path” so to speak and have become the very thing they set out to fight. They have become sexists themselves in their fight against sexism.Very sad and very troubling.

    • SPO Observer on January 5, 2013 at 20:16
    • Reply

    There is much more information on the Socialist Party of Ontario at http://www.causepimps.ca/SPO/top.html and

    You should want to copy all that information as they like to me false copyright claims to get information about them removed from the web with false copyright claims see
    or by threatening others they will be made co-defendants in lawsuits, see
    http://www.causepimps.ca/andy-lehrer/documents.pdf and

    • David L on January 10, 2013 at 01:09
    • Reply

    There is much more information on the Socialist Party of Ontario at http://www.causepimps.ca/SPO/top.html and

    You should want to copy all that information as they like to me false copyright claims to get information about them removed from the web with false copyright claims see
    or by threatening others they will be made co-defendants in lawsuits, see
    http://www.causepimps.ca/andy-lehrer/documents.pdf and

    • Abba Kovner on January 15, 2013 at 22:21
    • Reply

    Greg remember that when the election is called we get the voters lists – so you can’t hide whereever you go as long as you stay in Ontario.

    With the voters lists we can track all the enemies of the people. Ha ha loser!

    1. Nice to see you at the Internet cafe just now. I’m not sure which person you are- but, rest assured, I’m sure I’ll see you at some lefty event. Cheers…

    • Reader on March 20, 2013 at 12:28
    • Reply

    I tried going to that http://socialistpartyofontario.biz.ly/ link but the site is down.

    Greg, do you know who else might have that information?

    1. If a webpage goes missing, you can always trying pasting it into Archive.org. I just tried it for this link and it worked:


    • Visitor on June 26, 2013 at 10:16
    • Reply

    There is some general information on the leaders of the Socialist Party of Ontario at http://causepimps.ca/SPO/top.html

    A forshadowing of these NDP outcasts starting their own party was their Ontario NDP attack website http://flipperdipper.wordpress.com/ which shows their proclivity to using anonymous attacks against their perceived enemies.

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