Nov 26
Videos: Jewish Defense League & Pro-Palestinian Protesters On November 24th (Feat. Sid Ryan…)
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Some days it is easier to like people than others. Today, I hug my dogs.
hard to tell which group was crazier.
I’d say that both have nationalist issues, but the Israelis/Jews have a far better case. Before it was unPC to say so, I had a (I think jewish, so maybe he was biased) prof in school that made a case for Islam being an unreformed religion. However vitriolic the people in that video are, on the side of Israel, you can bet that in Israel everyone is afforded far more freedom than they would be if they were living in an Islamic State.
In A Perfect World(tm) there might not be nation-states in the current form, or there might be—but I know if I had to choose between living in Israel and living in Egypt/Saudi Arabia/Qatar/etc. I’d pick Israel. Wouldn’t anyone?
Isreal’s heading in a theocratic direction. Wait 10 or 20 years and the country will have its own brand of Ayatollahs in charge.
HOw about the one guy who yells “How many mothers you got on welfare” at 4:07 on the top video.
Jordan would probably be my pick. Probably the most liberal of the Musliom dominated states. No oil there may have something to do with it lol. And safer than Israel. Would not want to be in a place where terrorists fire rockets into civilian areas. Though Israel is a strong second.
“Would not want to be in a place where terrorists fire rockets into civilian areas. Though Israel is a strong second.”
Fair enough–but in my view, unless you’re pretty wrong-headed, it’s not Israel’s fault that terrorists attack it.
Oh, I certainly do not think it is their fault. I also do not subscribe to the false logic of “Israel should not be allowed to defend themselves because their military is so much stronger than the terrorists.”
On difference is the Palestinian side are very big on their slogan chanting – they do indeed sound like an obedience cult, taught to repeat what they hear.
They have a better sound system though. You couldn’t hear the JDL types at all in the second video but the Palestinian types seemed to be as loud as the JDLers, if not louder, in the first video taken on the JDL side of the street. Also, I don’t think it really helps the credibility of your demo to have a bunch of bikers and ex-cons hanging around looking like they’d gone too long without their heroin fix.