Dear Mr. Paterson, Back in 1996 the United Church disposed of a problem. Kevin Annett had been causing unrest and friction within your organization, he was bounced between churches until he finally left. I’ve read Kevin’s history, and can understand why he had to go- it appears he was not healthy, and his presence was …
September 2012 archive
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Sep 18
MediaWatch: Media Co-Op Cooks The Books On Occupy Toronto’s Costs To The City…
The Toronto Media Co-Op put out a rather humorous story today, claiming that Occupy Toronto saved the city of Toronto $83,440 during it’s encampment. First, the story is a day late and a dollar short- Eric Hamilton-Smith did this at Occupy Vancouver last November. But, at least, they admit that his work is the motivation for theirs. …
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Sep 18
Occupy Anniversary: Canadian Activists Are, Once Again, Snookered By The Unions And The NDP
A couple weeks ago I wrote about Take Canada Back– an initiative to get Occupiers to travel to Ottawa for ‘the mother of protests’. I left a warning for people that the entire tone of the event seemed a bit dodgy- perhaps the NDP and the unions were going to use Occupy or their own …
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Sep 18
The Continuing Incompetence Of The Toronto Police (And Detective Anthony Williams of 14 Division)
I wrote a while ago about my assault by Occupy Toronto’s Black Bloc in a park in Kensington Market. It was vicious- a guy named Alex came charging at me with a thick flagpole, smashed me over the head with it and nearly cracked my skull. Next, a group of cowards came running to join-in …
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Sep 17
The Story Of CUPE’s Smear Campaign Against Me During The Occupy Movement
Never in my existence would I have expected to tell a story about being attacked by a union. The worst thing that ever happened to me was that I was hit with a tomato while entering the building of a client who was in a labour dispute. But, then came my involvement in the Occupy …
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