Occupy’s Anniversary: My Appearance On CBC’s The National…

I was contacted last week by one of the producers at the CBC. He had read some of my stories here, and was interested to take with me about my story about leaving the Occupy movement- it was the story where I discussed the 5% vs the 99%. It seemed like it could be a good opportunity to get the word out, so I agreed to meet one of their cameramen at St. James Park for an interview…

The Interview was, logistically, rather challenging. I was being interviewed by Duncan McCue, who was in Vancouver, while I was in Toronto. The solution they used was rather low-tech, they gave me an earpiece connected to a cell phone- much different than I expected.

Unfortunately, the cameraman had recently lost his phone and hadn’t figured out how to turn off the call waiting feature. So, through much of the interview I was getting a ‘beep beep’ going in my ear. I’m not thrilled with how the interview turned out, I was a bit distracted- but, overall it wasn’t so bad.

It is, however, a shame that they spelled my name wrong!

It was interesting to see my old nemesis, Stephen Collis was also on the show. He’s the Simon Fraser University English professor who is single-handedly a very good reason not to attend SFU. Curiously, watching this interview is the first time I’ve seen a recording of Adbuster’s Kalle Lasn speaking.

Anyhow, enjoy the show…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/09/13/occupys-anniversary-my-appearance-on-cbcs-the-national/


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    • James on September 14, 2012 at 00:15
    • Reply

    I swear if I hear the terms “neo-liberalism” and “austerity” one more freakin time…..

    1. I know! It is enough to make someone go Black Bloc- isn’t it?

    • Tamara D. on September 14, 2012 at 02:04
    • Reply

    There is so much more about what happened with Occupy – positive and negative – that was not discussed. The general public still has no information from this little clip! :( how the heck to encourage people to look into issues and become aware of the world around them if the mainstream media isn’t asking questions or providing detailed information?? :(

    That reminds me… Greg, you wanted to start a new alternative media site? How’s that going? Is there any progress? I look forward to seeing it when it comes out!

    • The Hammer on September 14, 2012 at 14:37
    • Reply

    What I saw there is an indication the hijacked occupy movement had not learned anything and plan to continue along the same narrow-minded track as before. Love the mention of austarity. I thought occupy was about wall street, corporate greed, etc. It appears now occupy is about protecting unsustainable government spending. The public service unions sure have their hook’s in. You are not going to bridge the gap between rich and poor by bankrupting the government.

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