Have you ever noticed how recycled goods always seem to be printed with a notice that they are recycled- how sensible is that? Sure, on this envelope I’ve posted, it doesn’t take very much ink- but, how about on all of our envelopes combined- is there a significant environmental impact?
According to Cannon, the average printed page takes .81ml of ink per square foot. The logo is about 1 square inch- so, using conservative estimates, it takes 0.0005625 ml of ink to print it. The population of Canada is about 34.5 million people. Let’s estimate that the average person get’s ten envelopes a month (between work, school and personal mail.) This means 345 million envelopes per month- or 4.14 billion envelopes a year.
That calculates to about 2,330 litres of ink used per-year in Canada. In the US, with a population of about 311 million, they are using about 21,000 litres of ink. And this is all to remind us that we’re being green!
What a waste…
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When it comes to environmental issues it is all about perception, not reality. I remember when there was a big movement to pressure McDonalds to stop using polystyrene containers for their burgers. McDonalds responded by wrapping their burgers with some coated paper substance. People rejoiced at the victory in getting McDonalds to switch. What few realized is that this new paper wrap was actually worse for the environment than the polystyrene.