Gender Politics Gone Wild!


I get a lot of crazy comments from the lefties- by far, they have been out crazying the people on the right. Today, on a anti-salmon farming Facebook page, I got on of the craziest of the crazy comments- somehow, in a discussion about the effects of Fukushima on salmon farming, someone spun the debate into gender politics. Who would have imagined!

What a long, strange, trip it’s been…

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    • Standing Water on August 4, 2012 at 10:43
    • Reply

    I keep wondering where the next bus-stop is. I think I might want off.

    1. Me too!

    • Alice In Wonderland on August 4, 2012 at 22:29
    • Reply

    I wish I could see the rest of the conversation but that is hilarious :P

    • TD on August 5, 2012 at 21:51
    • Reply

    Does the babysitter analogy have something to do with how the salmon are being affecting or is it referring to something else?… confused.

    1. I believe they were using the babysitter analogy as an example of how they felt about the damage they claim is being caused by fish farms. As for the gender, it had nothing to do with the fish- but it does say a lot about how people on the left use gender a lot in inappropriate ways. After all, people of both genders could abuse children…

        • TD on August 7, 2012 at 04:02
        • Reply


        1. It’s an odd world indeed!

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