A man who burst into a Colorado theatre with guns blazing is being speculated to be an Occupier who is a member of the Black Bloc. James Holmes, 24 years old, is a drop-out Ph.D. student from the the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine. He threw a canister of (suspected) tear gas into the theatre and …
July 2012 archive
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/20/suspected-black-bloc-occupier-kills-12-injures-50-at-colorado-movie-theatre/
Jul 20
Trey Winney Assaults Camera At Pflug-Back’s Sentencing, Makes Occupy Toronto Proud!
Occupy Toronto was made proud today when Trey “Whiney” Winney bravely licked his hand and wiped spit on his hand and assaulted a reporter’s camera. What an Occu-Hero! Trey was joined by a number of other anarcho-primitivists who spat and coughed on members of the media in a cacophony of douchebaggery at the end of Kelly …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/20/trey-whinney-assaults-camera-at-pflug-backs-sentencing-makes-occupy-toronto-proud/
Jul 20
The Kevin Annett Titanic Continues To Sink…
Kevin Annett recorded a video last night where he was interviewed by his co-conspirator Alfred Webre. As with most Annett/Webre videos it was long and arduous- so, I decided to save you all some time and condense it with some explanations of where Kevin went wrong. And wrong he went, this video was so bad …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/20/the-kevin-annett-titanic-continues-to-sink/
Jul 19
Vancouver DTES Street Nurse Bonnie Fournier Shares Her Inside Knowledge Of Organized Crime!
Bonnie Fournier, a retired Vancouver Coastal Health street nurse, a supposed (but rejected) witness to the crimes of Robert Pickton, and online bully expressed her in-depth knowledge of organized crime on Vancouver Cop Watch’s Facebook page yesterday!
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/19/vancouver-dtes-street-nurse-bonnie-fournier-shares-her-inside-knowledge-of-organized-crime/
Jul 19
Black Bloc Domestic Terrorist Kelly Pflug-Back Sentenced To 15 Months In Prison!
Another G20 domestic terrorist has been sentenced to jail. Kelly Pflug-Back was sentenced to 15 months, with 4 months credit for pretrial custody and restrictive bail conditions. Consequently she will have 11 months to serve in the stripy hole.
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/19/domestic-black-bloc-terrorist-kelly-pflug-back-gets-15-months-in-prison/