G20 Terrorist Kelly Pflug-Back Faces Jail Time, Shows No Remorse…

Kelly Pflug-Back, Soon to be convicted vandal/terrorist

A G20 Black Bloc terrorist was in court today, pleading with the judge for a lenient sentence. The crown urged the judge to sentence Kelly Pflug-Back to a two year sentence, saying that she expressed no remorse for her crimes. Her defence is asking for a conditional sentence- but, it us unlikely she is going to get that…

The victim impact statements tell stories of shoppers who were terrorized while shop windows were broken and anarchists hurled faeces into the stores. The prosecutor stated “The crimes were committed in a brazen, defiant manner without any consideration for people in their way.”

Julian Ichim and Kelly Pflug-Back

Pflug-Back is the fiance of Julian Ichim, an anarchist who I have covered in previous stories. Ichim is most well-known for the recent court case he filed against the city for his arrest during the G20. I’ve also published a video of him at the first Toronto Casseroles march where he was chanting “off the pigs, time to pick-up a gun.” Here’s the video I captured of that moment:

Pflug-Back’s lawyer pleaded with the judge for a lighter sentence due to the fact she has been selected for an internship in Ghana next year. Let’s hope that the police and the judge have investigated this internship, and that it’s not for an organization like fellow anarchist Ashleigh Ingle’s Gambian ‘charity’. If anything, the sentence is too short…

Kelly Pflug-Back Smashing A Police Car during the G20 riots…

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/13/g20-terrorist-kelly-pflug-back-faces-jail-time-shows-no-remorse/


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    • moi on July 14, 2012 at 15:56
    • Reply

    I wonder if Ichy will visit her while she is in jail .

    1. Let’s hope he doesn’t pick-up any scratchy while she’s away!

    • The Hammer on July 15, 2012 at 14:05
    • Reply

    According to Julian Ichim’s blog he and Kelly have not been together in over a year. You might want to look into Ichim more as he pulls some pretty hair brained stunts too. Most activists in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge-Gueplh area want nothing to do with him. And Most of his followers have not been with him more than two years. Sooner or later the figure out his protests have little to do with whatever cause he is protesting but instead are about feeding his ego.

    1. Thanks for the information update. Yes, indeed, Julian is a complete schmuck. Anyone who gets tangled up with this guy should do their best to run away quickly. What happened to Kelly could happen to them next…

    • The Hammer on July 16, 2012 at 08:08
    • Reply

    You should check out an Ichim protest sometime. Without fail his protest marches always end up stopping by the police station. Regardless of what he happens to be protesting. For example, he was protesting provincial spending cuts. And he made sure to lead his flock to the police station so they could watch him scream on the steps.

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