Pssst- Wanna Invest In a Zimbabwe Gold Mine? (feat. Jason Bowman)

Shifty Eyes Bowman…

By this point, based on what we can see Bowman appears to be a fraud. After all, if he was really telling the truth, and he really had skills as a prosecutor, he’d be suing me now instead of taking lame attempts to get my blog taken down. But, I’ve gathered a lot of information on him, so I figured it would be best to share it.

I have a lot more on Annett too- soon he will be seeing the inside of a federal penitentiary. With any luck, he will be housed in a cell with Alex Hundert. After all, I hear that revolutionary Marxists tend to take care of each other. Then, in that way, he will not have to be worried about being taken care of by the angry indigenous community…

As Bowman’s mother wrote, it seems that he has got himself involved in a lot of harebrained schemes- that said, they are most probably more fraudulent than harebrained. I’ll wait for any victims to come out of the woodwork before I cast a final judgement- they always show up.

In this case, we’re talking about a scheme Bowman calls Victis Unlimited. A ‘company’ that is selling investment opportunities in Asia & Africa. Bowman named the company using his superior knowledge of Latin- it looks like it is standard modus operandi to make people think he is smart.  (is his ‘Harvard’ degree in Latin perhaps?). Here’s how he tells the story:

“Victus is Latin and is from vīvō (meaning ‘live, survive’). Its meaning refers to living, way of life, nourishment, provision, or diet; that which sustains life”

I love how, in the screenshot below, he claims to pursue ‘collective prosperity’- this is typical language of a con-artist, don’t you think? I certainly hope he’s not…

(click to expand)

And, it seems that Bowman’s version of ‘sustaining life’ is to make gold mines! I bet I know one person who would disagree- our old friend, and another habitual liar, Sakura Saunders! After all, how is mining related to sustaining life? Here’s another screenshot:

Let’s hope that not too many people gave money to this clown for his ‘venture’. Tomorrow I will have another one of Bowman’s ‘ventures’ to share with you all. But, of course, you can’t trust me to tell you anything- apparently, I am a “Rouge Agent”….

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    • Me on July 11, 2012 at 18:00
    • Reply

    Hang on a second, I had no trouble selling my own historical land mark some years ago. i was a rather large span that traversed a body of water. also sold some waterfront property that had its own security system containing several species of crocadilia as well as , have direct links to our dinosour age .

  1. lol a “rouge agent”. Man this guy is an idiot how can someone that spells so badly get a harvard law degree.

    1. “rouge” with embarrassment.

    • paganmedia on July 11, 2012 at 19:33
    • Reply

    The only history being made is that Jason J Bowman is an ass besides being a liar, cheat, thief, con artist and fraud along with Kevin Annett and some others.

    • Pte Hinsila Ska on July 11, 2012 at 21:44
    • Reply

    One elaborate and most tragic hoax on humanity, perpetrated by all the above – wait a minute…that does include the Pope. Could they be relatives – Annett, Bowman, and Ratzinger??? And not just co-conspirators?

    • Pte Hinsila Ska on July 11, 2012 at 21:47
    • Reply

    Well, indeed, they all think of themselves as fluent in Latin. Ex parte. VINI VICI VICTI.

    • Pte Hinsila Ska on July 11, 2012 at 21:49
    • Reply

    Paganmedia, I have been meaning to tell you that you and I need to have a serious conversation. We have much in common regarding the good Reverend.

    • Pte Hinsila Ska on July 11, 2012 at 21:50
    • Reply

    xtofury, as in Khemer ????????

    1. nope

    • Pte Hinsila Ska on July 11, 2012 at 21:55
    • Reply

    Oh, excuse me..Khmer. Sarcasm has got me tongue.

    • Pte Hinsila Ska on July 11, 2012 at 21:56
    • Reply

    Oh, excuse me, Khmer. Sarcasm has got me tongue.

    • Notfooled on July 11, 2012 at 23:11
    • Reply

    Yeah but what happened to his signature feather?

    • rraefyn on July 12, 2012 at 00:33
    • Reply

    Did mommy invest in his goldmine operations???..LOL !!!! if so she’s mad as hell and is not gonna take it anymore.

    1. I think she needs to give Jason a good hard spanking!

    • brotherwolf1 on July 13, 2012 at 15:39
    • Reply

    Perhaps Mommy should have invested in Barrik gold stocks instead. At least they are worth something and not likely to disappear anytime soon.

  2. Pte Hinsila Ska

    Anytime you want to convo, let me know. :D

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